Hey folks! I just wanted to pop in and let everyone know that I have finally wrapped up everything related to the The 12 Days of Christmas.
Here are the stats for this past year:
- a total of 11 people participated during at least two days of the event.
- 10 people completed all 12 Days of the quest.
- One person got four of the days complete.
Thanks so much for sharing a little about yourself as a designer this year. I learned some fun facts and got a glimpse into tools that I've never heard of, and found some new ideas and stores to explore.
As far as the set goes, here is the preview for it which I've also added to my designs preview page...

If you didn't get the chance to join in the quest but happen to be interested in purchasing this set, just leave a comment to let me know and I'll get it uploaded to the Scribbles Designs Store.
The papers have now been mailed out to all those who participated in the quest. If it happens that you participated during any of the days but have yet to receive your papers, be sure to leave me a comment to let me know and I'll resend them.
The Christmas Quest is finished for another year. For those of you who participated, I truly hope that you enjoyed yourself and I hope to see you again next year. For those of you who weren't able to join in, I hope that you will be able to find the time to do so next year. The quest always runs to about the middle of Jan to ensure that everyone has time to complete it. However, if there are some people out there that would like to see it extended for an additional week to help give them the time to participate, then let me know and I'll consider it.
Well my friends, I hope that you are doing well and avoiding all the viruses out there, especially that new scary Corona virus. If you live in the northern hemisphere, I hope that you are staying warm as well. If you live in the southern hemisphere, I hope it doesn't get too warm. For those living in Australia and battling fires in your area, my heart and prayers go out to you.
I should be be back in a couple of weeks with my latest Pattie's Creation project so I'll see you again then!
Until next time,

Lisa...thank you so much for the gorgeous papers and I had a great time playing along, hugs, Lori m
Thanks Lisa, for sharing your special talent with us. I always enjoy your challenges and your papers! Thanks again!
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