Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Spotlight: March 10, 2013

Before I start today's showcase, I just like to say that I think the world has gone wonky due to the time change.  I know I am feeling the difference of having lost an hour but apparently my computer is too!  I had switched to Firefox as my browser awhile back. I loved it; the ease, the simplicity, the extra features, the speed, everything! However, today when I opened it up suddenly I couldn't access my log-in button for my email program, I couldn't pull up blogger and the only way I could get into gmail was to view it in html.   I even reinstalled it to no avail.  So I went back to Internet Explorer but gmail doesn't support some of its features in IE.  So, left with no alternative I downloaded Chrome.  I'm not exactly pleased as punch at the moment but I don't know if it is Chrome's fault.   Everything I seem to be doing in Blogger just isn't working right.  For example, the size of this font is supposed to be normal.  I can switch it to small and it gets really tiny but I can't get it in normal size.  It stays large.  I even deleted the formatting altogether and then tried to rebuild it a step at a time: right font, right colour, right size.  Check on step one and two but phlbttt on three.  I even switched to a different font and STILL can't get it to normalize.  Yet, at the bottom of this post, you'll note the size is normal.  Well at least it all was until I tried to get rid of some spacing and now the one paragraph is all large again as is my closing line!  As it is, I had to delete my first attempt at this post because everything I put in bullet form centred itself in preview.  Oy Vey!  What is going on?????????  Anyways, thanks for listening to my rant, if any of you have experienced these issues and would care to offer some guidance, I'd certainly appreciate.   I want my Firefox back! Oh and sorry everything looks so wonky too.

If you are just visiting for the first time, it is that time of week when I say a particular thank you to one of my readers acknowledging them for something thoughtful, inspiring, or mindful that they have said in one of their comments. It is not just about flattery, although that is nice sometimes too. It is about walking away from the comment and wanting to touch on and explore an idea they have presented. Sometimes it might just be one or two words that they have said that reaches out and elicits a response in me.
As a way of saying thanks, I will present this person with an advanced copy of a freebie that I promise, no one else will be able to get their hand on for at least three months and possibly longer.

So without further ado, the comment I'm highlighting and reflecting on this week belongs to...


who said this:
Fabulous cuppy cake Lisa... it looks soooo yummy !! :-D Great colouring on there. I really hope you get picked for this DT. You would be an asset to them - definitely - and you are just the person that I would pick if I had a DT :-D Hopefully you will here soon coz she wants the Team to start in March !!!! I am excited for you :-D Hoping for you too Hun xxxxxxxxxxxxx Ike on Card Design: DT Application for San's Designs

Several people wished me luck last week when I put out the post applying for San's design Team.  I was very appreciative and added those comments in my 'honourable mentions' category last Sunday.  However, there was one that I didn't add because I wanted to highlight it in its own special category.  This of course is the comment I have posted above from Ike.  When I read the line "you are just the person that I would pick if I had a DT' it actually brought a tear to my eye.  Yes I am a sentimental schmuck, I freely admit it.  Reading this meant so much to me because Ike is one of the most gifted artists I've ever come across.  Her work is just incredible and she has more talent in her baby finger than I will ever have in my entire being.  So, the idea that if she had a team, she'd pick me to represent her artwork, well that is one of the highest forms of compliments I could ever receive.  Thank you Ike for believing in me.

Oh and by the way....I made San's design team!  YEAH!

Honourable mentions include: 
  • Lisa: One of my favorite things about your cards is that you decorate the inside as beautifully as the outside. I guess that's what I like about you in general. You're beautiful inside and out. Thanks for sharing your sweet art with us each week. You are such a blessing to me. Karen Word Art Wednesday on Card Design: Scribbles Designs Challenge # 2 Midway Point
  • already follow both of you so you know that I am going to stick around. :D I love these images. I'm going to have to take advantage of the 60% off! That is a great bargain! These are awesome stamps! Lisa & Heather together--A Match Made In Heaven! Hugs~Patti on Saturday Showcase: March 2, 2013
  • Oh my goodness, what an incredible showcase! So much information and so much joy that you shared. :o) The crafting community is extraordinarily special and today you (and Heather) have perfectly portrayed that. Lots of love and hugs to both of you! Hugs and blessings! Karen on Saturday Showcase: March 2, 2013
  • Ahhhh!!! Hi Bestie! You ARE certainly an extraordinary friend to me, I have never had a friendship like ours ever and I will cherish it forever for you are most considerate, kind and honest and you shine in so many ways you are not even aware of..... Most of all I love that you can be "You"!!! You are the most thoughtful person I know, I admire you. I can't get out what I really want to say but you know me and words, LOL Lots of love , Big Hugs Naomi on Blessed by Friends
  • OMgosh, Lisa, this is just so cute. I'm still smiling at the cleverness (is that a word?) of the image. Your coloring is delightful - I especially like the way you've colored the ears. Your poem is fabulous. I shy away from the inside of my cards - I should have you creating my sentiments, you have a gift. Thanks for sharing with Digi Desserts Fridaze at My Paper Crafting. Hugs, Larelyn on Bit By the Bug Tuesday: Bun Bun Binges
  • Wow you are really talented. I could never draw like that for the life of me!!!! Totally awesome! Vicky on Flashback Friday: March 1, 2013
  • This is just incredible Lisa! I think you've done an incredible job at capturing her face! Jennifer on Flashback Friday: March 1, 2013

In general I also want to say thank you for those of you who left condolence comments regarding the passing of my Godfather. Your thoughts and prayers were much appreciated.

I know I keep saying this every week but that does not diminish its truthfulness.  It is so difficult for me to choose comments to highlight each week.  There are just too many wonderful ones to choose from.  Additionally, as much as I would like to, it is getting more difficult to respond to each individual comment coming in.  As my responsibilities increase with new DT and GDT obligations and with my effort to ensure that I keep up with all my weekly posts, the time I have available decreases.   I so, so appreciate the time and energy you put into visiting my blog and leaving me a note to reflect on throughout the week.  I ALWAYS read EACH AND EVERY ONE and don't take a single one of them for granted. I hope that you all have a wonderful week!
    Until next time,


    Crafting Vicky said...

    Yayyyyy so happy you made the team. And so very sorry that you are having so many computer problems... Not fun! Hope you get to use your computer properly soon lol

    ike said...

    Hey - your clocks have changed already ???!!! I thought we changed them end of March ? Not that it matters - I usually forget and get caught out anyways !! LoL
    OMG - don't start me on computer problems. My internet service is abysmal.... I think I am running on Hamsters. !! If you want to do anything on the internet, you click the button and then might as well go away and have coffee for half an hour whilst it bloomin' opens it. It's been driving me batty this last few days. Some things I can't even get into... won't let me attach things to emails or upload pikkies into Blogs and I can't even get my foot in the door at Ning (dot)com sites :-( Can't talk to any of my Dark art craft buddies..... I think that's why I am doing cutesy stuff.... Aaaaarrrggggggghhh !!! - maybe I'm changing !!!!!.............
    Ah, Me.... how did we survive without the dreaded computer ??? !!!!
    Thanks for the Spotlight - it sounds like the Ike appreciation club hahahhaha LoL :-D I am so glad you were picked for San's DT... excellent. I hope you have loads and loads of fun there
    IKE xoxoxoxox

    Naomi Edwards said...

    Great Sunday spotlight you sentimental schmuck, oh no I must be one too ... because of your tear I had one... Its IKE'S FAULT!! LOL Seriously that is a huge compliment coming from Ike, I totally agree for I am always completely in awe of her work. Great Sunday spotlight sweetie..lots of love , hugs