If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started Motivational Monday, please go HERE.
This will be another packed post as I'll be sharing this month's Motivational Monday passage, a card I created and a couple freebies. The reflection, my project and one of the freebies can also be found over on the midway post at the Path of Positivity. This month the theme is SERENDIPITY. On with today's thoughts...
Sweet Serendipity
Ah sweet serendipity... that fortunate hapenstance where luck has us finding valuable or pleasant things that we had not looked for or anticipated. Today I'm going to do something a bit different. I'm going to share a personal story of how serendipity worked in my own life.A long time ago, in a small town in central Ontario, a young girl dreamed of what her future might be. She had always been fascinated with sign language and hoped one day to learn it. Now when this young girl applied for college she found only one program that she was interested in, among all the courses available at all the colleges in Ontario. That program would teach her how to work with children who had exceptional needs. Just after her 19th birthday she received a letter stating she had been accepted into the college of her choice. With deep joy she let out a little 'whoop'. However, the next sentence took it away. While she had been accepted into the college, unfortunately the program she chose was no longer available. Her poor heart was broken. Now what was she going to do? There was only one program she had been interested in. However, as she kept reading, the letter went on to recommend other programs that might be similar and her heart started to re-mend. She read through the first two and no interest sparked but then she got to the next one in the list. As it happened, a new program was being implemented that very year. The program was called, 'Sign Language Communicator'. At first she did a bit of a double take and had to read it again. Sign Language? Really? If she'd seen that one listed, it would have been her first choice off the bat. It seems that serendipity stepped in at just the right moment. So, this young girl, full of dreams for her future enrolled in the Sign Language Communicator program and toddled of to college that very fall.
Now let me tell you another story. This time it is the story of a man who was not satisfied with where his life was and decided to go back to school. This man had always been fascinated with sign language and the deaf community. In fact, he volunteered regularly with The Canadian Hearing Society in the city he lived in, in western Ontario. He applied for and was accepted into St. Mary's college in Michigan into their sign language program. He was very excited. Unfortunately, it turned out that the tuition was going to be outrageously expensive and since the college was in the States, he could expect no help with funding from the Ontario government. His poor heart was broken. Now what was he going to do? There was only one program he had been interested in. As it turns out, he soon found out about a new program being offered in his home province and his heart started to re-mend. He applied to the college offering it and was accepted into the college. It seems that serendipity stepped in at just the right moment. So, this man, full of dreams for a different future enrolled in the Sign Language Communicator program and toddled of to college that very fall.
There were twenty some odd students in the program. Mostly females but there ended up being two men. One was married and one was single. Since the class size was so small, everyone got to know each other well although groups started to form. Mostly, the more mature students hung out together and the younger ones in there own click but everyone knew everyone and all were friendly.
During the second year of the program, the young girl started to struggle with the actual signing part of the program while the man struggled with the other components. It seemed natural that these two come together to help each other out and so they did. Within a month though, their friendship started developing into something else and a few weeks later they became a couple. Three months later they became engaged, and fifteen months later they were married. On April 29th of this year they will celebrate their 26th wedding anniversary together. Neither of these people expected it to happen. As the man often stated, "he didn't go to college to end up with a wife but somehow it worked out that he found one anyway".
Ah sweet serendipity...that fortunate hapenstance where luck came into play and directed the future of two people's lives. Neither us these people had anticipated that the college program of their desire would come into existence. Without that happening, these two people would never have met, never fallen in love and married. Had it not been for the program opening up at just the right time, their lives would have taken very different paths. Instead serendipity stepped in and they both found pleasant things that they had not looked for nor anticipated. The quote by Lawrence Black that I used on the front of my card says it all as it could apply to both circumstances--their college program and their subsequent love:
Look for something,
find something else, and
realize that what you've
found is more suited to your
needs than what you thought
you were looking for.
find something else, and
realize that what you've
found is more suited to your
needs than what you thought
you were looking for.
All I know is that without serendipity coming into play, I would have had a much different life. Thank you serendipity!
This month our sponsors are...
and Sami Stamps
Next up, is the card I made for the midway using an image from Lunagirl. It was the perfect opportunity to make an anniversary card for the hubs. So you know what is coming...
Digital Image Details:
- Wedding Day Digital Collage Sheet: As stated above, this wonderful collage sheet is from Lunagirl. If you are interested in purchasing this great selection of images, click on the watermark to head over to the page it can be found on in the store. I decided to frame some of the images and basically create a paper for the backdrop to the sentiment.
- I created frames for each of the Lunagirl images along with a frame for the sentiment using templates from Sheila Reid, a designer with Pixel Scrapper.
Digital Sentiment Details:
- One I created. Here is a closer look at it...
Digital Sentiment Details:
- One I created.
Paper Products:
- Card base: Michael's Recollection's Cardstock, cream.
- The fabulous rich brown paper that I used in the background is one of the great Handmade Papers available through Nicecrane Designs. I just love these papers. If you are interested in purchasing this great selection of handmade papers, click on the watermark to head over to the page it can be found on in the Nicecrane Designs store.
Challenges I am hoping to enter:
- http://www.wordartwednesday.blogspot.ca/ (5E)-- Anything Goes
- http://creativefingerschallengeblog.blogspot.co.uk/ -- Anything Goes
- http://yourscrapbookplace.blogspot.ca/ -- Anything Goes
- http://ttcrd.blogspot.ca (2E)-- Anything Goes
- http://craftingfromtheheartchallengeblog.blogspot.ca/ -- Anything Goes
- more to follow
Finally, that brings me to a couple of freebies. The first was offered up at
the challenge start and the second was just offered up today for the
The quote has been divided into two just in case you want to split it up and put the first part in a different area. You can easily pull the two parts together to use them in the same area, as I did for the inside of my card.
Font Information:
- Windsong font created by Bright Ideas
- Libre Caslon font created by Impallari Type
© 2015
- Foglihten font created by gluk
- Butterscotch font and Butterscotch_Alt_p_to_z created by Nicky Laatz
Please be sure to click on the images to bring them up into the lightbox in their proper size before saving them. Click on the font name to take you to a download location. The first three fonts were listed as free for commercial use at the time this project was made. The last one, Butterscotch, is one I have purchased as part of a bundle and the licence states that it may be used for commercial purposes. As such, it is my understanding, that I am within my rights to use these fonts in my creations and offer them to others. Please refer to my full terms of service for what you can and cannot do with this digital creation.
These word art creations are in png format and published at 300 ppi. They are quite large in order to accommodate different programs that people work with. If you are a card maker you can always resize them smaller without distorting the quality.
Credit Notes For These Creations:
© Lisa L. Décosse. PUO. However, you are allowed to use the sentiments on handmade projects that you intend to sell on a small scale basis provided credit is given. You also need to include a credit note and a link to this blog should you use any of my images in your creations and post them on your blog. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with my full terms of use found in the 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of this page. Of important note: Please do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog(s) so they can grab the image for themselves. If you would like to post a watermarked version of the image, please contact me to obtain one.
I invite you to go and check
out, not only, the fabulous creations some members of my Design Team
had the opportunity to create over on the Path of Positivity (click HERE for the midway) but also some of the great entries into this month's challenge (click HERE
for the challenge). I also invite you to come over and enter a project
yourself, if you haven't already. There are so many kinds of cards that would work for this theme, including wedding and anniversary cards. I'm sure that you can think of some situation where serendipity came into play.Well, that is it for today! Have a great week ahead everyone!
Until next time,

Thank you for the free sentiment. Lovely card.
Thank you for joining the challenge at Creative Fingers. Hope to see you again next time.
What a lovely design and theme for this wonderful collage card. Thanks for sharing at Crafting from the Heart.
Lisa, what a wonderful, serendipitous story you shared! I love your project, and so will he! Thanks for joining us at Your Scrapbook Place this month!
Love your entire post! Thanks so much for sharing the greetings,
Hi Lisa, read your story about you and your husband. It was such a sweet and tender story. I could feel your love in the remembrance of meeting and falling in love with your husband as I read. Your card is beautiful. Love the images and the sentiments. Thank you for the sentiments. Edwina Brown
Lovely project! Thanks for sharing it with us at Through the Craft Room Door. Hope to see you again soon and good luck in the prize draw!
Wonderfully done, great layout & design!
Glad you could join us for the challenge at Your ScrapBook Place, hope to see you come back soon!
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Shell in Alaska ~ YSBP~DT ~
What a lovely story to go with your lovely card! Your sentiment is perfect. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Your Scrapbook Place.
Great job! Thanks so much for sharing this with us at the Your Scrapbook Place Challenge this month!! Cheers, Holley
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