Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bit By the Bug Tuesday: "Birthday Baking Lessons"

It is time for another Bit By the Bug Tuesday.  The day where I introduce you all to the newest freebie over at Creative Bug on the Loose.  This week we have...
"Birthday Baking Lessons"

Nathan has been experimenting in the kitchen again. To find out what adventures he has gotten himself into this time, you will just have to head on over to Creative Bug on the Loose to find out!

 So, what are you waiting for?  To take advantage of this cute image, head on over to Creative Bug on the Loose and follow the instructions on how to bring Nathan home with you While you are over there, don't forget to check out all the great digis Naomi has available in the store for purchase and don't forget to leave her a little love too.

I've caught the bug,
have you?

Until next time,

Note: I apologize if there are any formatting issues.  This is a scheduled post and we all know Blogger has a mind of it's own.  If it turns out that something looks wonky, i.e.--part of the sentence a different size or font than the rest, I'll fix it as soon as I'm able to.


Naomi Edwards said...

Lisa, I love the story you created to go with my digital. You rock girl! Lots of love, hugs.

Crafting Vicky said...

ohhh so fun!!! I'll go and grab him!!! eventually this weekend that is... man I'm starting to be behind....