If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started Motivational Monday, please go HERE.
Okay, so it has been a very looooooooong time since I've had the time to put together a motivational post, other than of course mid-month, when I share with all of my own readers, the introspection that I publish as part of the Path of Positivity midway post. I actually hadn't planned on posting anything today. However, something happened last night that shook me to my core and has once again reinforced the concept that none of us can take anything for granted.
A little after 11:00 p.m. last night, the hubs and I were in the living room watching TV while I worked on a card for an upcoming DT commitment. I had heard some shouting that startled me, but basically ignored it. Sadly, there have numerous instances of fighting or drunkenness on our street so I figured that was the case again this time. I truly wish that was all it had been.
Five minutes later, the hubs and I looked at each other as the smell of smoke broke through to our senses. I went to the window and inhaled to ensure that the smoke was coming from outside and not within. It was very strong so the hubs got up and went to the door. All I heard was 'Oh my God, the house beside is on fire'. Actually as it turns out it wasn't the house beside us but the next one over. As I hobbled down to the front door (which is actually on the side of our house), I could understand why his first thoughts were that it was the house beside us. The flames had to be at least 10 to 15 feet in the air. The two of us stumbled outside to our front lawn where we proceeded to watch the lives of two families being forever altered.
Let see of I can give you a bit of a visual. Our side of the street is filled with semi-detached homes.
From what I was told by our next door neighbour, the fire originated in one of the bedrooms (which according to what the home owner said, was vacant at the time). Apparently, it took all of two minutes to go from one side of the semi and engulf the other half. When we stepped outside, one fire truck had arrived but hadn't started actually fighting the fire yet. It was heart wrenching to listen to the man living in the left side of the semi, scream at the firemen to get some water on it. More fire trucks and then the police started to arrive. Then the battle to save two homes and prevent further destruction began.
I've had a few scares in my life and this definitely ranks up there. It was so windy, that it was a miracle that the the flames didn't jump to the next house. As it was, sparks kept drifting over all the way to our property. I was truly terrified that one of those damn sparks would settle in the huge tree at the side of our property or on our roof itself. The smoke which was thick and acrid, didn't help matters. An hour later we stood there and the flames still weren't out but they appeared to finally be contained. An hour is a long time to be standing (especially given my own circumstances) on high alert just waiting to see what would happen. It was at that point that a frozen husband and I (standing around in cold winds with a nightgown and a jean jacket on, isn't something I'd recommend to anyone) went back inside, reassured that the firemen had things under control.
We headed upstairs and to bed where I proceeded to read for the next four hours. Now normally, I'd have turned the light out between 2 and 3 but I was just still so anxious that it took me an additional two hours to mellow out enough to attempt sleep. I had been listening during that time and by two-thirty things started to calm down outside as well, as one by one the police and fire service vehicles packed up and left with the final truck leaving the scene around 3:15 am. I said a few extra prayers for those fine people and of course for the people who'd lost so much, along with several thank you prayers as well. Just a little after 4:00 am I turned out the light and tried to go to sleep. I was just about asleep at 5:15 when I heard the unmistakeable sound of a very large vehicle that sounded suspiciously like a fire truck rumble down our road. A few moments later the smell of smoke filled my nose once again. Terrified that it was starting all over again, I made my way downstairs and outside to see how bad things were. Thankfully, I didn't see any more flames but obviously something was still smouldering because there was a huge cloud of smoke billowing above the house again. I went back inside and trudged back up to bed although I knew sleep was not going to hit again any time soon.
An hour and a half later, the trucks were gone again...only to appear back once more, a mere thirty minutes later. I finally drifted off to sleep around 7:45 am lulled by the dulcet tones of chain saws. When the hubs headed out to his class this morning around 10:30 a.m., the fire trucks were still taking care of things. I have no idea what time they finally left.
According to the news, three people were injured along with a firefighter. Thankfully, there were no fatalities. There was over $400,000 in damages and worst of all, two families' lives have been forever changed. My heart truly does ache for these individuals and their loss.
Once again it just reaffirms that we cannot take anything for granted. The place that we call home--that place which shelters us from the elements; that place which provides comfort to us; that place where we live and grow--can be just as easily snatched away from us in mere moments. I came across a quote that I've made into a sentiment for you if you would like it, that definitely fits this occasion:
While I used to say a daily thank you for a long list of things, including my home, I have become lax as of late. Time to start saying those 'thank yous' once again. Will you join me with a list of your own?
Until next time,

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- Clicker Script font created by Astigmatic One Eye Typographic Institute
- FoglihtenNo04 font created by gluk
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© 2014, Lisa L. Décosse. PUO. However, you are allowed to use the
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Oh, my! So glad you're okay! And your house. Sorry to hear about the people that got hurt and lost their houses. Makes you think! Very scary!
One scary story Lisa and as you say those lives of the people who lost their homes will never be the same. Yes we need to be grateful for the smallest of blessings every day. Thank you for the wonderful sentiment, makes one look at things in a new light.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}
I am so glad that you are okay. I feel for those who lost their home.
WOW, Lisa, so glad that you are both OK! It's really does make you realise sometimes that things like these happen and we should always be on the look out. A close call, sorry for the other families, but glad that you and yours are safe. Hugs.
So sorry for your scare, but some how it made for a phenomenal motivational saying. I immediately thought what I gave thanks for yesterday. My husband and I were out for a walk with our dog, Hannah, yesterday. As we were walking home I silently gave thanks for all that we had both spiritual and physical including where we live...but I did pause when I read your sentiment,,,,Thank you
Lisa, this is a wonderful quote. There are SO many things to be thankful for. I just purchased a stamp from a friend--Blessed beyond measure. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Lisa, I enjoyed your post and your sentiment tonight! 12 Years ago, I lived in an attached home and my neighbors' son accidently started a fire - it destroyed both home. Yes it did change our lives forever - but for the good, we lost everything and having been newly married (1 month) with a blended family of teenagers we had no insurance.We took a deep breath and it all worked out, our faith sustained us while we moved on! I will keep your neighbors in my prayers!
Ginny Maxam
Wow! I know that was scary. I remember how it felt when our garage burnt down. It is an awful feeling. I know you are very thankful that it was not worse than it was for your neighbors and yourself.
I believe we all get lax at being thankful. I try to say thanks to God each night as I know he keeps me and my family through the day. My list of what I am thankful for is long.
My family, friends, Jesus coming to show us how to live and dying for our sins, The beautiful things God created for us to enjoy, His provision for us in every way, Artistic talent, food we eat, The Bible and Hymn book, Those responsible for the Bible being written and translated, my home, The 4 seasons, modern conveniences that make life easier, My Friend Lisa who is talented and shares her talent with us. There is so much to be thankful for. Edwina Brown
OMGosh Lisa! I'm so glad you are ok! I am so afraid of fire! What a close call! Your poor neighbors, I feel for them. Get some more sleep!
613 Avenue Create
Wow Lisa, that is one POWERFUL statement...made me think. :)
What a scary situation. I feel so sad for your neighbors but at the same time am glad that no lives were lost. That quote is beautiful and a great reminder to always be thankful.
Thanks for sharing, Lisa. I hope your neighbors will be ok. The sentiment is really GREAT! For sure, are we content in the moment? Regardless of our circumstances? I think maybe that is true happiness. xo
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