Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Cogratulatory Considerations for May

Update:  Oh my goodness.  I need to go to bed.  I previewed this post a minimum of four times before publishing it but didn't scroll down past the closing bits like my name and the credits.  I decided to give it one last look before closing down and realized that I had stuff left over from last month at the bottom as I had copied everything from that post so that I could reuse the addresses.  So now anyone who receives my posts by email will have that ridiculous post and if they don't come over here to the blog will never realize the boo boo or my apology for it; so, I will probably repeat this apology at the beginning of a future post.  Oy vey!  I better go to bed now before I do any more damage.  Now back to your regularly scheduled program...

Hello everyone.  If you are new to my blog, this post is based on an idea I had in order to celebrate the successes of all the new people in my life.  On the last day of each month (or close to it), I will create a post congratulating all my bloggy friends and acquaintances on their successes, anniversaries, milestones, achievements, etc.  Of course, these will be strictly the items that I have come across during the month in my travels to the challenge blogs I have personally entered or are a team member of, or on my visits to personal blogs.  There will be many things I'll miss so please don't take offense if you have achieved a success and you don't find your name listed here.  I wish I had the time to check everyone and everywhere but I'd need a cloning machine to pull it off and I believe human cloning is still illegal.  So for now, if you or someone you know has an achievement and you would like to have it included here, contact me by email before the end of the month or just include the information in the comment section of each 'Congratulatory Considerations' post. 

I am aware of the following reasons for sending out congratulations to members within our community.   So ladies, bask in the glow of the congratulatory candle.  You all deserve the successes you have achieved!  These are listed strictly in the order of when I came across them, not necessarily in any chronological order.

Now of course I was trying to finish this up at 3:00 in the morning and after had added about five different wins realized they were all for the beginning of June.  Woopsies!

I also know that I haven't been as diligent this month.  With the creation of the new Path of Positivity Challenge blog among other things, I just haven't been able to do as much checking as I normally would.  Sorry about that!

DEB OCH-LAGRONE--A Look Through My Eyes
  • This month I get to apologize to Deb.  She won a free sentiment in my 100th celebration and somehow I missed her in my list.  I'm so sorry about that Deb.  I also missed adding that she won the March Madness Giveaway that was over on Cuddlebug Cuties.  Oh my goodness, I was a whole month behind in my visits there, like I am at many of your blogs, and missed blogging about Anna's winners.
 JENNIFER SCULL--Just Coffee Please & Stamps & Ribbons & Paper
DEANNE--Little Bit 'O Paper
MRS. A--It's An Alien Life
ANNIE a.k.a. Aussie Annie--Memories to Keep
  • Annie was also the lucky winner of three extra images at Digi Darla's just for using a DD image on her project!  That is twice in two months.  I keep telling you all every Monday to use a DD image if you have one and this is why.  
EDWINA--Edwina's Creations
  • Edwina was the April challenge winner at Lady Anne's Stamp Challenge and the May winner for Lady Anne's Sentimental for Fridays challenge.
CALYPSO--Calypso's Cards and Creations
SHEA--Glitter and Bonbons
MELISSA--Created By Sunshine HoneyBee
YOLIE--Just Yolie--Just Create
MANDY--Made By Mandy
NICK (HELENE)--Nick's Scrap Shack
SHARLA--This Thing Called Life
JOANN--Sassy Raggedy
JULIE--Truly Julie
LAWREN--A Hobby-holic
ARCHANA--Craft Cave
  • Archana, who had been a fellow Scribbler but has now moved into the GDT role, celebrated her birthday at the end of May.
KATE--K8's Scrap Corner
  • K8 picked up wins this month over at LEJ Designs and also Moving Along With the Times.
PIA--Pia's Papir og Perler   
LISA M-You Made Me Ink
DESIRE--Doing Life
  • She was also the very first voter's choice winner over at the brand new Path of Positivity Challenge.  This is a really unique challenge blog designed to inspire, nurture and provide support for the soul by creating a positive path to follow, one project or post at a time! (Nope, I'm definitely not above plugging my own challenge blog!)
  • Additionally, Desire has hit the 600 follower mark.  Since she reached this incredible milestone at the beginning of the month, I have already passed on her badge to her but am including it here for anyone else who might want to share in the congratulations.
  •  Here is the badge she already has.  It is 200 px wide.
NANA CONNIE--My Grammy's Attic
  • Connie was also a site wide winner over at Outlawz Challenges and was chosen as a winner in a challenge over at Meljen's Designs and Mayzy Art
  •  Everyone, please join me in congratulating Connie on the wonderful milestone of achieving the 300 follower mark. 

  • Connie, here is a badge for your sidebar if you would like it.  I made it 200 px wide to fit most sidebars.  Anyone is more than welcome to grab either banner or badge to help spread the congrats.

So the candle burns brightly for all these wonderful ladies along with those of you who have had accomplishments I'm unfamiliar with.  Don't forget, if you'd like to see an achievement celebrated here next month, contact me before the 30th of June or just include the details in the comment section of the next 'Congratulatory Considerations' post when it comes out.  

Until next time,

P.S.  It is possible that I have made mistakes as I gather these throughout the month and unfortunately, I just don't have the time to go back and verify.  If you noticed a specific mistake, let me know and I'll fix it up as soon as I can. 

Image Information:
The background image of the candle is a picture in the public domain.  The artist is Anna Langova and you can find this particular photo HERE at PublicDomainPictures.net.


Deanne Saunders said...

Awesome list!!! So happy you have my name on it! You are so kind and sweet!!!!!!

Crafting Vicky said...

Some awesome milestones to great friends. Thank you for taking the time to put all this down... I was laughing when I read your note at the top ;) That's what happens when you do too much lol

Naomi Edwards said...

Well!!!, Diligent yes, thinking you would need a clone to pull more off - I think you already have one illegal or not...hehe... Wow!!! Amazing post Lisa and congrats to all the winners... I don't know how you do it , honestly!!!
Big hugs and start patting yourself on the back because I would be patting myself on the back for even a third of what you do.

Larelyn said...

You, my friend, deserve an award all your own. Lisa D, the most supportive cheerleader any blogger/crafter could have.
Such a fabulous idea to highlight these crafter's successes. Also, it's a great source for finding challenges I may have been unaware of. You are amazing. We should all be thanking you with every post you create.

Lisa Minckler said...

Another awesome post Original!!! These crafty ladies are doing amazing things and thank you so much for recognizing them. :)
the other one

Marisa Lerin said...

Great post! So wonderful to link to all those wonderful achievements.

Unknown said...

Lisa, my friend, you have absolutely no reason to apologize to me. You have so much on your plate and I didn't do anything special, just entered a couple contests and won. Fabulous prizes were given to me in which I owe thanks for. You are such a terrific blogger and your growth shows that. Thank you for including me in this list. Love ya!
CDAC DT Member
A Look Through My Eyes

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

Oh my goodness how wonderful is this post?!?! I smiled the whole way down as I read and saw so many familiar names. Great way to congratulate our fellow blogger buddies. You are the sweetest!!!

Desire Fourie said...

I am once again speechless about your thoroughness and dedication to honouring your neighbours in blog land. I am sure that my fellow bloggers agree that you deserve the same candle of recognition burning strong with positiveness.
Huge congrats to all the talented ladies shining in the brightness of Lisa's candle of recognition.
Also congrats to you Lusa for getting your Path of Positivity challenge on the road so professionally.
Thank you so much for my stunning badge, I am totally in love with it.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Jennifer said...

Congratulations to you Lisa, I really don't know how you do it. You really make all your fellow bloggers feel so special and you don't give yourself any credit. You really are a truly wonderful blogger to keep up with all the challenges that other bloggers do and their successes. Well done to you Lisa. Hugs, Jen :-) x
Krafty Keepsakes

Sassy Raggedy said...

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you so much Lisa for all your wonderful hard work...Hugz, joann