Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bit By the Bug Tuesday: Lolly

Hello all!  Today is that day of the week when my good friend Naomi offers up a freebie.  So, in my capacity as her one-woman Promotional and Design Team, it is my privledge to share a snippet of this week's image with all of you.

Can ya figure out what it is??  Huh, can ya?

If your curiosity is peaked you'll definitely want to head over to Creative Bug on the Loose see if you were right and go snag this cute freebie.  While you are over at Naomi's blog don't forget to check out all the cute little digi bugs she has available in the store for purchase.

I've caught the bug,
have you?

Until next time,


ike said...

He's so cool - I went and snagged one :-) xxxxxxxxxxx

Crafting Vicky said...

What a wonderful promotional team you are lol ;) I'm off to check it out!

Naomi Edwards said...

You are fabulous!!! You promote me better than I promote myself, lol Thank you Lisa, you are such an amazing support to me and I cherish our friendship. You are beautiful. hugs

P.S. Love the snippit and the teasing!!