Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Spotlight: February 17, 2013

If you are just visiting for the first time, it is that time of week when I say a particular thank you to one of my readers acknowledging them for something thoughtful, inspiring, or mindful that they have said in one of their comments.  It is not just about flattery, although that is nice sometimes too.  It is about walking away from the comment and wanting to touch on and explore an idea they have presented.  Sometimes it might just be one or two words that they have said that reaches out and elicits a response in me.

As a way of saying thanks, I will present this person with an advanced copy of a freebie that I promise, no one else will be able to get their hand on for at least three months and possibly longer.  Although given how busy I am in February, it may take a little longer than usual for me to get it to the winners.

So without further ado, the comment I'm highlighting and reflecting on this week belongs to...


who said this:
First, congratulations on your DT spot - well deserved, my friend. Now, what a sweet image - love the way you've colored it and I love the idea of the line art image on the inside - who knew? I must try that!!! Purple??? Ooooh, is there a better color? LOVE purple! Thanks for linking up to DDF at My Paper Crafting. I always look forward to seeing your designs. Hugs, Larelyn on Card Design: QKR Challenge #26--Anything Goes

Larelyn grabbed my attention on two fronts.  

First off she loves the colour purple too.  In fact when I went to visit her blog, that quickly became very evident.  There is just something about purple that is so soothing and calming.  Apparently, the colour purple is also a favourite of people who are creative and often the colour preferred by eccentrics.  Well, that it explains it.  I'm not sure whether Larelyn falls into the eccentric category but she certainly falls into the creative one.  As for me, we all know that I don't always follow the established norms.  So, if purple is the colour that defines the creatively strange, I'll be the first to wave the flag proudly.  There is nothing wrong with being your own person.  It would be rather boring if we were all cut from the same cookie cutter.

Secondly, it is hard to believe that I have the capacity to teach anything new to someone who has been in the card making and blog business for well over two and half years.  As you can see from her comment, Larelyn had never thought to just use an image without colouring it, to enhance the inside of a cardIt is something that I have often thought about and have finally taken the time to implement.  The key of course is finding something complementary and then printing it in a colour that suits the project.  The Happyville location in my brain lights up knowing that even I as a newbie can inspire someone with my creations.  It is a nice, warm and fuzzy feeling.  Thanks Larelyn for helping me go to my happy place. 

Honourable mentions include:    
  • Aw Lisa this is lovely of you and I always feel they look better on some one else's blog! I'm glad I'm not the only one who imagines little people living either in the tree or in the Mushroom! I now feel a need to make another Magical Fantasy! My last one, I gave away as a freebie, mainly because there was a big mistake...and even in the fantasy world, things have to be true to nature. My big mistake was??? I put the sun, even though it had a face, in front of a cloud... The updated version of that will be in the store later in the week, I hope it doesn't disappoint! Thank you again for all your hard work on doing these show cases!!! ((Lyn)) PS Nikki makes great blog badges! on Saturday Showcase: February 16, 2013
  • OMG - FABULOUS Showcase Lisa !!! Rina's card is stunning and the shoe from Calypso really rocks. :-) As for Spyder.... I just LUV this woman. I have got loads of her digis and we often converse :-D She is also writing an awesome Sci-Fi book which can be accessed from her Blog. Fan-blooming-tastic. !! Such brilliance !!! Hope you have a great weekend. Hugz IKE xxxxxx on Saturday Showcase: February 16, 2013
  • Ooooh!!! How elegant! I love the colors and that key is amazing!!! Happy Valentine's day to you and Raymond and congrats on 25 years!!!!!!! That is admirable and shows another side of you and Ray! Have a super day filled with love and know you are loved in Bloggy world soooooooooo much. Big extra super hugs Naomi on Happy Valentine's Day: Being Thankful For the People in Our Lives
  • Browns and creams are one of my favorite color combinations, as they can be used for all sorts of occasions and cards, giving them quite an elegant look, like this one. I like decorative cards without the use of any image, the beauty is in the simplicity of the design and the elegance of the papers and details. Pia on Happy Valentine's Day: Being Thankful For the People in Our Lives
  • You are so right. It's most often the little details that will make a day or that will make us say it was a bad day... but in reality most of the times compared to illness and real trouble our little details were insignificant. We really have to put things in perspective and that's what I now try to do ;) Helps to have kids to bring you back to the essentials lol. One day after a really bad work day, I came home crying... and my youngest boy asked me if someone had passed away (we were going through lots of people being sick and close to death) so when he said that it really brought me back to the essentials... my day was really not worth me crying over it... ;) So I keep this in mind now and see his little face when I'm going through a rough time. Vicky on Sunday Spotlight: February 10, 2013
It is getting harder and harder every week for me to choose comments to highlight. There are just too many wonderful ones to choose from. Additionally, as much as I would like to, it is getting more difficult to respond to each individual comment coming in. As my responsibilities increase with new DT and GDT obligations and with my effort to ensure that I keep up with all my weekly posts, the time I have available decreases. I so, so appreciate the time and energy you put into visiting my blog and leaving me a note to reflect on throughout the week. I know you see this same closing line at the end of each spotlight but I really do mean what I say. 

Until next time,


ike said...

Fabulous Spotlight Lisa. I must admire you for the time and effort you take to trawl through and pick people out :-) I am sure though you are going to find this much harder now you have DT committments. !!
Please don't knacker yourself out and get stressed..... don't want you having a meltdown :-(
IKE xxxxxx

Crafting Vicky said...

You are definitively an inspiration!!! Just love the awesome cards you are creating ;))))

ike said...

Oh yeah... I used one of the WordArts you made me on my latest ATC :-D Cozzzzzmic !!! Thank you xxxxx

Spyder said...

Aw... me again, I just have to add one more thing, 'specially after reading Ike's, comment,I would love to say a REALLY HUGE BIG thank you to Lisa, who has been popping in to my Sci-Fi Book (Children of the Nebulous) and doing a some 'proof reading' and double checking my (very bad) spelling for me!! Thank you Lisa!

((Lyn)) xoxoxo

Naomi Edwards said...

Lisa, loved this post and of course I got a few chuckles... Purple has always been a favorite of mine since childhood so that would make me creative and eccentric.. waving my flag too!!!! We have been so busy, missing you soooooooooooo much!!!!!! hugs

Larelyn said...

Oh my gosh, Lisa. What an incredibly sweet post. I've been so caught up in our "other" discussion that I had no idea you do this as well. I remember when I first began blogging (has it been 2.5 years!!?) how there were always a few comments that encouraged me and reminded me of the wonderful support we find in this fabulous world of crafting. I'm most impressed by the friendships we make around this crafty world. I feel such a connection to the blogs and comments and like to call each of you my friend. You will touch so many lives doing this and you'll bring a smile and a joyful heart to those you reach out to. You are a true crafter with heart and I appreciate YOU so much.