Saturday, February 02, 2013

Saturday Showcase: February 2, 2013

Feb 2nd eh?  Will Wiarton Willy or Punxsutawney Phil see their shadows?  Will we get six more weeks of winter or not?  I vote WAY NOT!!!!!!!!  I haven't been out of the house in weeks!  Not that I venture out very far or very often but I'd like to be able to go out if the urge were to strike.   Although the temps have been warming up to the mid minus twenties (Celsius that is), we have been experiencing the minus forties with windchill factors in the minus fifties.  Brrrrrrr.....If you are cold too, step under the warmth of the bright lights shining on the Saturday Showcase where I highlight other artists' work (whether it be stamps, cards or otherwise), a blog post offering a great technique, or I might even just pick a whole blog to showcase. If you are new to my blog you can find out why I created the showcase HERE.

This week I'm doing things a little different.  I'm still showcasing a card, a freebie and a store digi; however, the entire showcase is going to spotlight one person's work.   It's good to change things up every once in awhile right?

Today we celebrate
Naomi Edwards
Her blog is called
Her store is called

I have been working at getting Naomi Edwards from Creative Bug on the Loose, to be a part of the showcase since early November.  She is one busy lady to pin down.  It has taken three whole months to finally get her scheduled but I am so happy to say that I got everything worked out and that she can be part of this week's showcase.  Naomi is one TALENTED lady.  She creates her own digis which she has for sale in her own store that she is trying to get off the ground, she creates cards and she offers freebies.  Throughout the process of getting to know Naomi through our blogs and with my trying to recruit her for the showcase we have developed a fast friendship.  I've gone from only knowing her through the comments we would each leave on each other's blogs, all the way to, as Naomi puts it, needing the men in our life to invest in a crowbar to pry us off the phone.  Now if you are familiar with Naomi's blog, it may look like we are just scratching each other's backs this week. Naomi surprised me on Monday by dedicating part of her post to me and our new found friendship and showcased a card that she created for me. She also touched on a collaboration between the two of us that I'll expand on a little bit, later in this post. But, I can assure you that there is no scratching going on.  My back is completely itch free.   As I mentioned earlier I've been trying to do a showcase on her long before actually knowing her.  Though, I suppose the fact is that it just means that much more to be able to do what I can to help promote Naomi's incredible designs.  So, on with the show, as they say; or I guess, in my situation it's on with the showcase. 

Card Choice

I just love the elegance of this particular card.  Naomi created this one back at the beginning of January for her DT gig with Hiding in My Craft Room (HIMCR).  The theme was black and white plus one (the original post containing this card is available HERE).  HIMCR is actually where I first spied Naomi's card.  I hadn't been on my weekly visit to her site yet and while looking for places to enter my own card at the time, I saw it posted in their current challenge as inspiration.  And boy what inspiration it is.  I love how she took a brand new stamp, found a way to distress the image using a "Styrofoam Sill Gasket".  Whatever that is, it worked beautifully.  There is something about this image that makes me think of lazy days as a child out exploring in nature with my friends as we walked the country roads in our small rural community.  It definitely evokes calming and peaceful memories.  Given the hectic nature of this week, I need those feelings right now.  She finishes off the design with a beautifully embossed butterfly and a handmade flower.  I love this flower.  With just a touch of weathered blue, it compliments the card so well.  Now of course I couldn't just stop at one card choice.  When I went over earlier today to copy web site addresses for my link-ups, I came across this thank you card she just finished creating...

 Now I don't know which one is my favourite.  I love so much about this thank you card from her post aptly entitled, "Thank You Card".  The distressed appearance, that gorgeous flower, the colour choices and the format of the sentiment Even the super sized paper clip in the upper left hand corner along with torn look all work together to make an awesome card.

Free Digital Stamp Choice

Isn't he just the cutest little thing?  Those huge eyes of his are just priceless.  This is the current free digital stamp that Naomi has for offer right now on her blog.  You can find the unwatermarked version HERE.  He is such a cool little dude.  I can just see him strutting up to one of the 'girlie' digis in Naomi's store.  The 'Shy Girl' would be a great choice of dates.  He could use his magical charm to break her out of her shell.  They could then go for a walk and introduce themselves to the rest of the digis in the store.  If he flutters those eyes in just the right way, maybe he could even convince Naomi to let him and 'Shy Girl' out of the store for awhile and go visit the Digi Darla's Designs Store where he can take 'Shy Girl' out on one of their motorcycle digis.  Then, they can drive around to everyone's blogs thanking them for coming over and checking out Naomi's store.  One of those visits would definitely be to Deanne Clark-Saunder's blog called A Little Bit o Paper, to thank her for using him in the Valentine's card she created for her son.  See how well this image colours up? 

 On second thought, given how charismatic he really is and the fact that he is looking for love--check out the kisses and hugs on his t-shirt--maybe they should be taking a chaperone with them.  Hmmmm.....

 Finally, that brings me to the...

My choice for Stamp of Approval was an easy one for a change.  While I just love all of Naomi's digital stamps, there is one that just pulls at the strings of my heart.  From the moment I laid eyes on this little Valentine's Duck, it was love at first sight.  I don't know what it is exactly that pulls me in with this little guy.  Maybe it's those huge soulful eyes (hmmm, do ducks have souls?) or possibly the chirpy expression on his beak (get it? chirpy expression, he's a duck, birds chirp, tee hee).  It could even be how his little webbed toes are crossed in such a shy innocent manner.   Whatever the reason, he is my absolute favourite out of all of Naomi's images. He also looks great all coloured up.  This is a card that Naomi designed to showcase her digi.  This is another of my favourite cards from her.  I love how she put one of the hearts off to the side to look like he is holding it.  So cute!


Now it is time to expand a little bit on the collaboration that I referred to earlier.  When Naomi put out her post she included a snippet talking about a collaborative effort between the two of us.  We have decided to combine our talents and bring our crafty selves together, to give all of our readers and hopefully many more, a new world to play around in.  We have been hard at work coming up with our design concepts and hope to bring a different kind of blog to the table that has unique qualities.  Most importantly it will be a place where people can learn and grow, where no one is made to feel inferior, and among other things, where we celebrate you our readers.  I'm extremely excited about this collaboration that Naomi and I have going on.  However, it will be awhile yet before it gets off the ground.  We do hope that you will stick around through our progress reports and join us down the road as we embark on a new creative adventure! 
Now if you've managed to read through this entire post I have a link to a bonus freebie for you.  Right now in Naomi's Creative Bug Digitals store she as an extra freebie available.  You can find it by clicking on the 'Freebies' tab at the top of the page.  It is only available until Valentine's Day so make sure you go over and grab it before then.  Of course while you are there, why not take a few moments and look around the rest of the store?  Her images are all so adorable, and no I'm not biased, I thought they were adorable BEFORE we became such good friends.    

Well, the first Showcase for the month of February is finally done.  I'm so grateful to Naomi for allowing me to use all her wonderful creations here this week, along with Deanne who also allowed me to post her card showcasing Naomi's current freebie.  I hope you will come back next week because i have another great group of people to introduce you to.

Until next time,

*Thanks to Nikki from Limited Runs Stamps for creating my Saturday Showcase badge.


Cathy -Mercieschild said...

Lisa, I love Naomi and I love her blog and this card is beautiful. It ges to show that this image without a lot of other colors is simply beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. Hugs, Cathy K

Suze said...

Great choice for a showcase Lisa. Naomi certainly does fit every category really well. I can see why you like that image - it just pulls at you. I liked that first card when I first saw it. Don't think I've seen the Thank you one before so I'm off to her blog to check it out.

ike said...

Great showcase - and I went and snagged my freebie.. Thanks you :-)
I love that duck too.... I think it's his crossed toes that does it. LoL
I will follow with interest as you develop with Naomi :-D
Ike x

Naomi Edwards said...

hahahahahahaha, I am so happy noone was around when I read this, you brought me from tears of joy to tears from laughing so much, oh and not to mention your comment on my blog telling me I must be wacked in the head... I near died!!!! I am going to need rails on my chair just to read anything you write, lol Lisa you really outdid yourself here and I am deeply touched. I am so honored to call you my friend, I call you the smart one. LOL I was so surprised that you had got permission from Deanne to post the card with my digi!!!!!!!!!! How exciting to see myself in the spotlight... I guess I am not that humble, hahahahaha Big hugs... is it my turn to scratch your back? LOL You are going to shoot me aren't you, it's your fault!!! Everything from here on out is your fault , hehe!!!!!!!!

Naomi Edwards said...

OH OH OH!!! I forgot to mention that I love the digital love story you came up with, very entertaining and funny. I was also so happy you liked my Thank you Card that I aptly called Thank you Card, hahahahaha...geesh you kill me.