Man, less than ten days to go before the big day. Christmas that is--for those of us who celebrate it, anyways. I am still in the midst of the Christmas card panic but I've given up trying to get as many done as I hoped. Other than the three I have posted, I managed to get three others completed; although, I will not be posting them until sometime in the new year. Good thing there are lots of 'anything goes' challenges and a few blogs dedicated solely to Christmas cards. As it is, I still have four more to go. I feel a little guilty because the person who is most important in my life is going to get a card that will be pretty clean and simple. That is of course when I figure out what it is I'm going to make him. I hope you have all been enjoying the 'holiday handouts' and that you'll get some use out of them next year. Well, that is enough about me, let us get on with the reason you are all here.
If you are just visiting for the first time, it is that time of week when I say a particular thank you to one of my readers acknowledging them for something thoughtful, inspiring, or mindful that they have said in one of their comments. As a way of saying thanks, I will present this person with an advanced copy of a freebie that I promise, no one else will be able to get their hand on for at least three months and possibly longer.
So without further ado, the comment I'm highlighting and reflecting on this week belongs to...
who said:
Oh - I agree.
A. Your Blog is fun to read and I like the chance to see other people's
work I might not have found on my own.
B. Yep - don't knock yourself !! I often see things that make me
slack-jawed in amazement and I say.. why can't I do that?... but I
apparently do things that make other people slack-jawed, so I just have a
different 'style'. I'd love to do pretty, pretty, gushy, smushy
magnolia type schtuff but it doesn't work for me and I just can't. LoL
We are all different and it is a good idea to look back to something you
did last year, 2/3 years back and then step back and see how far you've
come !! I am amazed with some of my early stuff.... it's total shiiite
LoL We learn such a lot from others.
Keep up this fabby Blog Lisa
Ike xxxx on Sunday Spotlight: November 25, 2012
Honourable mentions include:
- Hi there Lisa - I loved reading this post, and the rest of your blog looks fantastic. I'm going to come back later when I can sit down with a cuppa and have a good read of all your posts. I wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment, it made my day and has probably made my week too - thank you again. Also, I agree with you about the world being smaller on cyber world. Fantastic isn't it. I'm going to become a follower too :0) Have a great day ! Michelle on Sunday Spotlight: December 2, 2012
- Well it's mutual Lisa. Your blog really touches us and inspire us! Thank you so much for doing this. Vicky F. AKA Crafting Vicky on Sunday Spotlight: December 2, 2012
- Lisa, I just finished reading this post, as it is by far my favorite one you do each week. And, something just dawned on me. Whether you meant to or not, you do this posting every week on a day of faith for many of us. I hope I don't offend anyone else out there. But, I am starting to believe that you are an angel brought to us from above. Your words continue to be so profound and you reach into the hearts of so many of us. You inspire and you encourage always. With that little extra sparkle that is called "hope". Many of us come back day by day, week by week, and soon month by month because you have that unbelievable ability to make us happy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hugs, Sue on Sunday Spotlight: December 2, 2012
- I have come across your blog from a link on Ike's. I had donated to Jess and Eddie for the very reason that she is so generous with her freebies and it felt wrong to take but not give something back in return when she desperately needs our help. The emotional turmoil of the situation is bad enough for her and Eddie, but adding this extra financial burden is even worse. Lisa, I am truly grateful to have found you, you seem like such a lovely warm and giving person, a very rare thing these days. Have a fabulous day ! Love Mandy xxx on Saturday Showcase: November 17, 2012
know how truly difficult it is each and every week for me to choose
just one comment to highlight. So many of you have left such beautiful
comments that have touched me deeply and I truly appreciate each and every
one of them and each and every one of you!
Like the Saturday showcase, the Sunday Spotlight will be also be on hiatus until after the holidays. Please be sure to come back and check out the next spotlight at the beginning of January. However, I'm not going away completely. I'll still be around completing other posts and there are more holiday hand outs to be had throughout the rest of December, so please come back and see me tomorrow.
Until next time,
Until next time,

Oh - thank you for your kind words Lisa and for Highlighting me :-)
In answer to your question on my Blog... ATCs are Artist Trading Cards.... 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. If you google it you will be totally hooked like me LoL There's some awesome stuff out there !!! xxxxx
Hi Lisa...Just saw the message you posted in the Tuesday Alchemy Design Team forum. It is great to have you on the Team. Your blogger is absolutely fantastic and inspirational. I will be hitting the "follow" button when I finish with this comment! Thank you for sharing your talents and wisdom!
Well just like Ike mentioned we all have our unique style and it changes over time. I too look at my 1st work and think oh my... And I've never done ATC, and there's some wonderful folding cards that I have never attempted yet... so I think blogging is giving us the wonderful opportunity to have a entire world around us that teaches us and give us the opportunity to improve continuously! I started out blogging just for that reason and still hope that one day my creations will be as jaw dropping as what I see out there!!!! I don't know if you have checked out the creations of http://lafeerieduscrap.blogspot.be/ but I'm in awe.... and I know that my work will never be like that but I get to dream ;)
Thank you so much for honoring me again, Lisa. I have sent you a Christmas gift ... do let me know if you get it. Hugs, Sue
Thank you very much for highlighting my comment Lisa :)
I am in awe of many bloggers, Vicky above is one. She is on on so many DT's, works full time and has 4 children. I just do not know how she does it, she has my supreme admiration. I am very lucky that she creates on 2 DT's I am on and I have told her. I like to give credit where it is due.
As Ike has said it is amazing when you look back at your creations from times gone by. You are amazed at how basic some of them are yet you were so proud of them at the time.... We are all at different stages of our crafty development and we all have differing styles, this is what makes blogland so great and you develop such lovely connections with people along the way.
Wishing you a fabulous Christmas :)
Love Mandy xxx
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