Sunday, February 03, 2013

Sunday Spotlight: February 3, 2013

dee dee dee dit--dee dee dee dit--dee dee dee dit--dee dee dee dit

We interupt this regularly scheduled program for the following news bulletin---

Wiarton Willy predicts an early spring!  Punxsutawney Phil had some good news too -- spring is on the way.   

Woo Hoo! I can tell you that that is music to my ears. 

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...
If you are just visiting for the first time, it is that time of week when I say a particular thank you to one of my readers acknowledging them for something thoughtful, inspiring, or mindful that they have said in one of their comments.  As a way of saying thanks, I will present this person with an advanced copy of a freebie that I promise, no one else will be able to get their hand on for at least three months and possibly longer.  Although given how busy I am in February, it may take a little longer than usual for me to get it to them.

So without further ado, the comment I'm highlighting and reflecting on this week belongs to...


who said this:
oooooooh I'm speechless!!!! You have touched me beyond words! That badge is soooooo sweet!!!! THANK YOU so much. Wow incredible work went into that post to highlight all of us. I'm so glad you have also highlighted some of your work. Thanks for being such a wonderful person. I'm off to blog this badge!!!!!! ;))) You have totally made my day! on Congratulatory Considerations for January

Since my very first showcase at the beginning of November, which Vicky was a part of, she has been one of my biggest supporters. She became a follower the same day of her showcase, she visits my blog many times a week and always has a kind word to say.  She has given me tips, answered my questions and has become a great friend here in bloggy land.  I was so glad that I was able to 'make her day' as she put it by creating a special badge to mark her 200 followers.  

Vicky truly is one of my card making heroes.  I am in awe of so many of you women who are able to pull off all the obligations that come with raising a family, working AND creating such awesome designsVicky is one of these amazing womenI just have no idea how she looks after four kids, has an important full time job and what seems like a card factory running out of her house with all the cards she puts up in any one given day never mind in a week! Then there is the fact that she ALWAYS has time to come over and visit my blog regularly AND leave me comments... WOW. I don't work (disability), I have no children (wasn't able to have them) and I still struggle to get it all done.   I certainly don't have time to do all the creating I'd like.  I've told all of this to Vicky before.  Now of course, Vicky being the humble person she is, basically shrugs it off saying that I make it sound so hard to do, but that really, this is what she does for fun or instead of watching tv.  Well I say she is still just being humble.  Did I mention she also sits on 17 design teams?  Yeah, she's amazing.

Honourable mentions include:    
  • Congratulations to you my friend. It truly makes your day to know that someone on a blog who has loads and loads of other cards to choose from selects one of your creations to be a winner, top 3 or runner up. We all seek validation in one way or another. There are times when we may not believe in ourselves but that fact that someone else does can make a big difference. Your cards are lovely and it is fabulous that you are getting the recognition for them that you deserve. I just happened to come across your name at Digi Darla...... well done xxx Mandy on Cherry Delivered With Extra Sprinkles
  • CONGRATULATIONS my friend!! I can only imagine how you are feeling at this moment!! If you were like me you have a smile on your face and everytime you think about it that little smile will come back!! Like I have said so many times are growing my leaps and bounds. I can remember when you first started out (which was not to long ago) and look at you now!! Keep bringing the inspiration to us all who need it!! You are wonderful at it!! Smookiedo on Cherry Delivered With Extra Sprinkles
  • Wow Lisa, so much fun to read, the way you write can cheer any soul up, I was ready for bed now ready to run, lol Congrats you deserve it and how awesome is it you won two!!!(well you know what I mean) Love the twilight theme, do do do do do do do do... hahahaha, I am forever saying that!!! Really enjoyed this post! Hugs Naomi on Cherry Delivered With Extra Sprinkles
  • Hey Lisa! This is such an interesting piece. Love the different shades of blue you've used, and I'd love to know what the texture is on the base layer. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing your source for the background, and I'm glad you're getting the hang of Photoshop. I'm NOT and am waiting on a book to arrive called "Photoshop for Dummies." Hope I can do as good a job as you're doing! Shea on Darla's Digital Stamp Club Design Team Introduction
  • Lisa, I don't know how you find the time to keep up with all this and I haven't been by for a little while so your updates on other's blogs is always incredibly informative. Thank you for being in the blog world! You make life easier :) big hug! Deb Ochs-LaGrone on Congratulatory Considerations for January
  • Lisa this is such a lovely thing to do, you are such a warm ans kind person who gives so freely. You deserve the biggest congratulatory candle of all. Thank you very much for honouring us and our achievements. Love Mandy xxx on Congratulatory Considerations for January
It is getting harder and harder every week for me to choose comments to highlight.  There are just too many wonderful ones to choose from.  Additionally, as much as I would like to, it is getting more difficult to respond to each individual comment coming in.  As my responsibilites increase with new DT and GDT obligations and with my effort to ensure that I keep up with all my weekly posts, the time I have available decreases.  I so, so appreciate the time and energy you put into visiting my blog and leaving me a note to reflect on throughout the week.  I know you see this same closing line at the end of each spotlight but I really do mean what I say. 
Until next time,


Crafting Vicky said...

awwwwww now I'm blushing beyond red (is there a shade of red more red than red lol) It really is not that much... really ;) It's meeting people like you that totally make my blogging soooo much fun. And I don't comment on all the blogs... but I do try my best. I know how much it means to me so I figured others must like it as well. We put a lot of energy in blogging... so it's fun to know that we are read right? And you are my dear! Thank you again now my head will be so big I won't fit through the doors lol

Paper Crazy Lady said...

Hey, Lisa! Reading through these comments, and one phrase really caught my attention - "Photoshop for Dummies". I could really use that! Any chance you could write it? Smiling, Deb

Naomi Edwards said...

You are so loved and rightly so. Big hugs