Monday, February 11, 2013

Picture Inspiration: Romantic Night

If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started Motivational Mondays, please go HERE.

Today I'm doing things a little bit differently.  I have decided to explore different forms of motivation and inspiration.  So at least once a month during a Motivational Monday post, I will offer up a photo that will hopefully inspire you in some creative fashion.  Many challenges use pictures to help motivate their participants to create something new and unique.  I myself am often in awe of the pictures I see on my daily journey; so I've decided to share some of them with you.  Maybe you will be inspired simply from the interesting colour combinations that work together or you might zone in on a specific texture.  Others may see shapes and some of you may see something that no-one else does.  If you are ever inspired to create something using a picture I display, I'd love to see what you come up with.

In honour of Valentine's day coming up later this month, I've chosen this image.  This photo taken by Paul Lavoie is from Photobotos and may be displayed for viewing on websites.  If you would like to keep a copy of this particular picture, I've linked it so that it goes back to the originating site.

So what do you see when you gaze into the depths of this picture?  What elements speak to you?  Does this picture inspire you to create something new and unique?  Let me know, I'd love to hear all about it.

Until next time,


Naomi Edwards said...

I am certainly inspired and will have a go at making a card today..I love the glowing two stickman ... they dont have to be a couple right??? (well at least for the single ladies, lol,) it could be two very close friends sharing their deepest moments on a ROMANTIC SWING and night lit sky... nope... just not working... a couple it is.. can't wait to try this.. I love the very subtle touch of pink in the sky..this is going to be a challenge for me especially (as you know) I do mostly white backgrounds... eeek!!! So excited!! You movtivator You.. hugs

Crafting Vicky said...

such a calm and beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing it.

Pia S said...

Just to leave a note to say I've read all your latest posts. Great reading, full of inspiration! And what a great photo!