Saturday, February 09, 2013

Saturday Showcase: February 9, 2013

It is that time of week where I showcase other artists' work (whether it be stamps, cards or otherwise), a blog post offering a great technique, or I might even just pick a whole blog to showcase. If you are new to my blog you can find out why I created the showcase HERE.

My top picks for this week include... 

Card Choice
  This sweet card was designed by
Her blog is called

 I was enamoured with this card from the moment I laid eyes on it.  If you'd like to see the original post, it is from January 27th and is available HERE.  I've always found the colour combination of red and white very striking and this card certainly cements that appreciation. I have this 'kisses' image, another great freebie from Paulette over at TLC Creations. Cathy has done such a good job with it, transforming it into a beautiful work of art. The hearts were originally black and I'm not sure exactly how she achieved the silver metallic look, I only know that it looks fantastic and adds something special. Whether she embossed the background paper herself or bought it that way, it complements the overall design. The red sparkly bow and addition of the glitter treated hearts add the perfect touch, making for a spectacular project. The card was intended for her daughter whom I sure will treasure it always. If you'd like to see the other designs that Cathy has created take a few moments and pay her a visit (clicking on the blog name will take you straight to her blog).

Free Digital Stamp Artist Choice
These great digi sentiments were created by
Her blog is called

I love these sayings that Sharon has made into free sentiments.  I chose the first one not only because it is close to Valentine's day but also because the words really reach out to me.  The saying is so very true.  Nobody out there is perfect, least of all me.  I sometime shake my head when I hear the question, "what characteristics would your perfect mate have?".  Of course people are going to list all the great things like, kindness, compassionate, caring, great sense of humour, etc.  You don't ever hear anyone stating, 'leaves their socks on the floor' or 'doesn't put anything back where he found it' do you?  But these and other not so glorious qualities are all part of the 'imperfect' people in our lives.  True love is learning to live with those imperfections and loving the person despite them.  Loving the flaws because they are part of the person.  Well, that is how this quote make me think anyways.  You may have a completely different interpretation of it.  This freebie is available for download HERE.

The second sentiment I chose is really neat too.  It seems that there are many young people out there who are obsessed with the overall number of 'friends' they have.  The reality is that the 412 friends you may have, really have no right to wear that title.  I'd like to see how many of them would stick around if you were to come into misfortune or reach out for a helping hand.  How many people would truly be there to grasp on and hold you from falling?  The expression 'quality vs quantity' is never more prolific than in its reference to friendship.  Our real friends stick with us through the good and the bad.  That is how you tell the difference. 
This freebie is available for download HERE.

I have been visiting A Piece of Heart on a weekly basis since I found the blog back at the end of April 2012 right when I discovered the world of digital freebies.  I have been stopping by every Friday I have been able to since then.  Sharon covers sentiments on a wide range of subjects: love, friendship, and other great sentiments.  She offers them up in a choice of jpg and png.  Please take a few minutes and head over to Sharon's blog to check out her other great freebie sentiments (clicking on the blog name will take you straight to her blog).

 Finally, that brings me to the...

This is a special category highlighting 
 a stamp for sale by another artist.

 This week that honour goes to... 
Her store is called
 San's Designs
 Her blog of the same name is located HERE
Flower Bunny is available for purchase HERE

Yeah!!!!!! San is back.  I originally found San at the end of June last year.  From that point on I became a big fan.  Not only are her designs adorable but she makes the most fantabulous cards too.  San decided that she needed to take some time off in the middle of September last year from her blog and boy, was she sorely missed.  Not knowing how long she'd be gone, I'd visit about once a month to see if she was back.  Then, in the latter half of January, I got an email from my friend Suze (craftysuze) letting me know of a unique opportunity a digital artist named San was offering.  I thought to myself, "self, could it be the same person?  Could she really be back?  I mean how many people out there have the name San, right?"  So off we I went investigating and lo and behold, she was truly back in the blogiverse!  And, what a better blogiverse we have now as a result!  At the time, San was offering readers the opportunity to earn a free digi in exchange for creating something using the digi and then promoting the San's Designs web shop.  Always up for a challenge I agreed to participate.  I hope that you will all come back on Tuesday when I'll be showcasing the card I made using the above absolutely adorable image.   I fell in love with this bunny the moment I saw her.  Those huge ears and even bigger floppy feet, those really unique flowers and especially that innocent look on her face all called out to me saying, 'Take me, take me.  We could have so much fun together'.  Well, how could I resist such a plea?  I also knew at that moment that I just had to put Flower Bunny in the showcase.

For anyone who is interested in applying, San has decided to put together a DT; but I'll warn you she is not looking for people who are just interested in getting their hands on freebies.  Nor is she interested in individuals who are solely into self-promotion or using their position as a steppingstone.  I commend her for adding this to her request and I truly hope that she is able to attract the right kind of people to her team.  Anyone who gets the chance to work with her images would be privileged.  If you feel that you'd be a good fit for her team and would be interested in applying, click HERE to go to the DT call post.  You will find all the details you need there.

Well February is well underway.  I hope that those in cold locales are managing to stay warm and toasty and that those living in sunnier spots are surviving the heat.  Where ever you are, you are probably craving what the opposite has.  Isn't that always the way, though?

Thanks to all these wonderful artists for agreeing to allow me to showcase their work on my blog.  I'm sure I'll be coming back to them time and again.  Though you never know, I may be contacting YOU next to showcase something incredible you've created.

Until next time,
*Thanks to Nikki from Limited Runs Stamps for creating my Saturday Showcase badge.


Crafting Vicky said...

Wow fabulous showcase! I'm off to see San and Sharon! Thanks again for letting us discover new wonderful people. ;)

And I totally agree with you... it's less glorious to say that we have to pick up after our spouse lol than saying how he's an awesome cook... ;)))

stamp-color-and create said...

Lisa, I can't thank you enough for showcasing my free sentiments. I love creating them and providing them for other people's enjoyment. I appreciate your kind words.

A Piece Of Heart

Naomi Edwards said...

Terrific Saturday showcase Lisa!! I adore the card by Cathy as well, it is gorgeous. Love the write up you did on the sentiments by Sharon, soo soo true, very well put... and OMGOSH that bunny is the cutest I have ever happy your friend is back in the blogiverse!! I have to go and check her out for sure!!! hugs