Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Winner Announcement: Scribbles Designs Challenge #1

Hey everyone!  The winners have been chosen for our very first challenge over at Scribbles Designs Challenges.  Head on over and see if you are our Top Scribbler or part of our Top Three.

The Top Scribbler, chosen by, will receive 3 digital images.  Each of the Top 3, chosen by the Scribbles Designs Design Team, will receive 1 digital image each.

As a special bonus this month, celebrating our first ever challenge, Sandy also graciously allowed each of the Design Team members to pick out one person who left a comment on our own individual blogs.  After taking all the comments I received on my post, "Card Design: Scribbles Designs Challenge Launch", into consideration, I have chosen Sandy Palmer as my winner. Sandy will also get to receive one Scribbles Designs image of her choice.

This was Sandy's comment:
  • What a beautiful story! I am so glad you two found each other!!! What a wonderful card too! Your coloring is really wonderful as well! Thanks for sharing your amazing story with us! Thanks for participating with all of us at Digi Desserts Fridaze as well! :) Hugs, Sandy. on Card Design: Scribbles Designs Challenge Launch
Thanks Sandy P for this sweet comment, and thanks Sandy S. for allowing us to treat one of our readers to one of your great images.

Now you guys know that I couldn't just leave it there so I've also created a free digi sentiment for Sandy and for all those people, whose comments I'm considering honourable mentions: 

ike said... 
Oh how cool. CONGRATS on being on the DT and also for finding a cousin :-)  I am sure I have some of Sandy's scribbles so I hope to join in this Challenge :-) xxxx 

 Naomi Edwards said...
Gorgeous card Lisa!!! I love the colors,papers and layout! Again your coloring is amazing and I can't wait until you get started at mine, lol. Thanks for the slice of numiness and I am so happy to hear about your cousin!!!!! Wow hey? HUGs my super friend xxxxx 
ohhhh wow I have shivers! What an awesome story and such a fabulous 1st birthday card to send! May you enjoy many many more together! 

Boxofcolours said... 
I may be able to go forth and eat cake, well a tiny bit if I keep to this diet for a few more weeks...trouble is the Christmas shortbread keeps calling my name!! Great card Lisa & congrats on your DT position Hugs Jane 

Sandy said... Oh wow Lisa! I am so touched about the story of your cousin! What a wonderful way to start many many happy years together! Thank you for being part of the SDDT - without you and the girls it wouldn't have happened! :) 

Bonnie Irvine said... 
What a wonderful card! The image is so fun, the sentiment awesome, and your paper choices spot on. Great story behind the card, too. The inside is as pretty as the outside. Thanks for joining us at Fat Pages With Attitude this fortnight. I hope we see you again next challenge

 Karen Letchworth said... 
Lisa, this card and blog post are both amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this with us at Word Art Wednesday, and please know how very grateful I am to have you share your heart and your beautiful talents with us!  Blessings, Karen, Word Art Wednesday  

 Larelyn said...
I love the card and what a fabulous story. So glad you linked up with our Digi Desserts Fridaze at My Paper Crafting. Hugs, Larelyn 
Claire Newcombe said...
Beautiful card, and thank you for sharing this special moment in your life.  Thank you for joining us at Artistic Inspirations this week.  Claire x  (DT) 

Made by Mandy said...I could not agree more Lisa. How amazing that you had a cousin out there for all that time. Family's certainly do have many skeletons in the closet don't they?  Gorgeous card, love the funky image.  Love Mandy xxx

Michelle said...
Beautiful card and a beautiful story!  I love the pretty colours you have used on this fun image. Papers all co-ordinate beautifully.  Thank you for sharing with us at Make It Monday this week.  Michelle :o) 

Cindy said...
For a relative newby, you make VERY nice cards! I love the orange and pink combo and the image is perfect for this! COngrats on your new cousin! Thanks too for joning us at My Heart Pieces! :)  

So, what makes these people special?  What is the one thing that ties all these comments together?  Well, all these people took the time to read my post and learn who the card was for and how special it meant to me to be able to create this card.  Each and every one of them commented on my new found cousin in their comment in one way or another.  This is why they have been included as honourable mentions.   So, if you are the author of one of these comments listed above, please click HERE to send me an email with "SDS HM Digi Winner", and I will mail you out a special sentiment that I have created.

Congratulations Scribbles Designs on the successful completion of your very first challenge.  Here's hoping there are many, many more ahead!

Until next time,

Note: I apologize if there are any formatting issues.  This is a scheduled post and we all know Blogger has a mind of it's own.  If it turns out that something looks wonky, i.e.--part of the sentence a different size than the rest, I'll fix it as soon as I'm able to.


Naomi Edwards said...

I am winning everywhere today!!!!, I am so happy to be included as your honorable mentions... the very reason I visit your blog excluding the fact that you are a sincerely beautfiul human being is to hear what you have to word things like no other, I find some of the things you say so brilliantly put which shows who you are as a person , did I mention beautiful?? Big Hugs and a BIG thank you Lisa

ike said...

Ooooh very cool .... extras... LUV it. Thank you Lisa - I iz emailing right now :-D xxxxxxxxxx

Larelyn said...

Again, Lisa, this is such a sweet (and powerful)thing to do. It is so kind to acknowledge those who take the time to comment. It such a warm reciprocal feeling. You are a gracious blogger and host.