If you are here strictly for the freebie, you will need to scroll down.
Today's message is a simple one. Be happy with what you have in life here and now. Sure we all want new things. That is very natural. Just don't spend so much of your time and energy working solely to obtain all the little extras in life. There won't be any time left to enjoy them. Every single day, be thankful for what you have. It is the surest way to prosperity.
NOT FOR DOWNLOAD. THIS IS NOT A FREEBIE. However, the quote on its own is available as a freebie further on in the post.
Sorry for the big and bold 'not for download'
statement but I need to make sure that it is clear. You guys are used
to being able to download my digital graphics but NOT when they are
created using another artist's image with strictly PUO terms. The site where this image was obtained only allows for redistribution as long as the number does not exceed 250,000. Since I have no way of knowing how many would be downloaded, I cannot offer it up as a download. However if you would like the image, please email me with DDD_Colors of the Rainbow in the subject line.
Image Details:
- The image in this design is from Shutterstock and is owned by Robert S. Now as I just mentioned above, while I am unable to offer it up as a download for you to take on your own, I can offer it to you if you email me because that way I can keep track of the number going out. It isn't like 250,000+ people are going to wander in and want it, but I still have to be able to account for the number going out. For those of you who know me, you are coming to realize I'm a bit of a stickler for the 'rules'. I'm repeating this statement in case you didn't bother to read the note above since you have seen it before and may not have realized it has changed.
- I had so wanted to do a completely different design. I had it all planned out in my head and everything. Unfortunately, I just didn't have the time to pull it off before the challenge over at Digitally Sweet. As it is, there is less than 15 hours to enter and I plan to sleep for at least eight of them!
Challenges I hope to enter include:
- Crafter's Digital Art Centre -- Anything Goes
- Pin & Tack--Spark Your Creativity Now Challenge -- Challenge #7: Anything Goes
- Word Art Wednesday -- Challenge #72: Anything Goes
- 613 Avenue Create -- Anything Goes/Optional Twist
- Digitally Sweet Challenges -- Rainbows
FREEBIE QUOTE that you can download...
I've provided today's quote to you two different ways. First, I've provided it in a solid black colour and the second way is in the same colours I used in my digital design.
Now I can't forget all my fellow Canadians, and British and European readers that spell colour with a 'u'. Since the quote is author unknown, I took some spelling liberties and am offering it up with the alternative spelling for colour.
Unfortunately, the coloured version didn't turn out properly this time. I had no problem using the painbucket in Inkscape to originally colour in the letters but when I added the u and tried to do it again it wouldn't, so it doesn't have the same strength of outline that the original one does. Additionally, for some reason it looks white in preview when it is actually a yellow green. I would have liked to spend some more time figuring out what happened but it is already 4:00 am and I really want to go to bed now.
Until next time,

Fonts Used:
Click the font names to take you to a download location. These fonts are free for commercial use.
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page. Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above. Below is a quick summary of those Terms of Use:
- Do not claim the image as your own.
- Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation.
- Do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
- If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
- Leave a comment on my blog. It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed. Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.
What a beautiful sentiment and definitely words to live by. Loved your post!!! :)
Gorgeous texture and colors! Thanks for sharing your inspirational creation with 613 Avenue Create. Stop by again soon:)
This is really pretty, sweet Lisa. It almost looks like candy on the background. Very sweet. Thanks for sharing it in our challenge.
Word Art Wednesday
Just adore the background that you have done for this fabulous quote!!! AWESOME!!! I need to try to do digital... so much to do so little time. And yeah... should spend some just enjoying it but there's just soooo much I want to learn and life just goes by so fast especially since a big chunk of it is spent at work!
You always give such consideration for others Lisa. Thank you for including the u spelling of colour for those of us that spell different to America. In case you didn't know - we are colour too.
I so agree with this!! It's so true and your creation this week is beautiful. Thanks for the freebie and thank you so much for joining us at Digitally Sweet!
Hi Lisa, Thank you for this sentiment. I love rainbows so much. Yes it is worth more than the pot of gold to me. Edwina Brown
Wow this is awesome! Thanks for sharing it. I wish I could remember this every day when I'm struggling. Money just isn't everything.
CDAC DT Member
A Look Through My Eyes
Thank you for this colourful digi - thank also for the extra thought for us English, much appreciated.x
Wonderful work of art. Very colorful! Thanks for blessing us with your artwork at Word Art Wednesday. God bless, always!
What a wonderful card, Thank you for joining the CDAC progressive challenges.
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