Monday, March 04, 2013

Motivational Monday: Death Leaves a Heartache

All of us face loss in our lives.  Whether it is the loss of a job, a home, or a loved one we are all affected by loss to varying degrees.  I don't really deal that well with concept of death; but, it is something that is going to become much more prevalent as I get older and am surrounded by aging parents, other relatives and friends.  However, there is no escaping its effects as was reinforced to me this past week.  On Tuesday evening, my Godfather passed away.  Now, I haven't really been close to my Godparents in many, many years.  However, my Uncle Roy was my father's oldest and dearest friend.  A friendship that lasted over sixty seven years.  So, while his passing saddened me, it didn't touch me like it touched my father who of course amidst his grieving, must once again face the idea of his own mortality.  My poppa doesn't do very well with the idea of death either.  

My Uncle Roy was a good man who served his community with pride.  He was a member of the Lion's Club, and his community's Garden Club.  He was diagnosed with lung cancer in November and lost his battle on the evening of February 26th.  He is survived by his wife Ruth , his son Robert (wife Tahlia) and his grandson Calvin.  Like myself, Robert is an only child so I can only imagine the devastating grief he is feeling right now over the loss of his father.  My Auntie Ruth will obviously be feeling his loss the deepest.  They were married for over 48 years.  So, today I dedicate this post to the Dutt family and also to my poppa whom I hope can find some solace in the wonderful lifetime of memories he has of his dear friend.  May we all be reminded just how precious life really is and not take a single moment for granted.

In memory of Roy Edward Dutt 
1940 - 2013

Image Details:
  • The background image is a picture in the public domain.  The artist is George Hodan and you can find this particular photo HERE at
Challenge I am entering this digital design into:
 In case you'd like to use the quote without the background I've provided it as well giving you a few different options.  First, I've provided it as one single image which you can find at the top of this page.  I've also split it up so the first line could be put on the front of a card and the rest of the quote inside...

Both these lines are actually the same font size I think that it is only in the display here that one looks a little smaller than the other.  At least I hope that is the case.  All of these quotes are much larger than they appear here.  Take whichever versions you are interested in.

Until next time,

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Click the font names to take you to a download location.  This font is free for commercial use.
If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page. 
Please be sure to read the Angel policy found under the copyright info tab above.  Below is a quick summary of those Terms of Use:  
  • Do not claim the image as your own.
  • Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation
  • Do not share my images with family, friends, etc.  Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Box®, 4-Shared®, etc.  Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
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  • Leave a comment on my blog.  It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed.  Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.


Crafting Vicky said...

I'm so sorry for your loss! My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Lisa Minckler said...

What a truly touching post and that sentiment is just amazing!!
Lisa x

Naomi Edwards said...

Oh Lisa, I hope your dad sees this post, You did a beautiful job and I am in love with the sentiment from the Irish Headstone, your overall design is gorgeous and has a peaceful feeling eminating from it.. Beautiful girl! I will be praying for your dad , Roy's wife and all those who are effected. Big hugs.

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

Sending up prayers for you and your family during this time. It sounds as though he was a wonderful, loving man who will be missed by many.


Cathy -Mercieschild said...

Lisa, death is never really understood. I am sorry for his passing. You are right, as we get older it happens to our friends, family and loved ones. I guess it makes us realize we won't live forever on this earth but will one day pass on to another place. I for myself have made the necessary decision as to where I will go. That has made it easier for me and my family. My heart is with you and also his wife and son. hugs, Cathy K

Jennifer said...

Death is one of life's certainties, only knowing the Lord Jesus can ease the pain of the separation! I'm so sorry for the loss of someone you love! Last fall my family took a trip east. While we were there, we visited my husband's uncle Billy. A very dear man! He died and went to be with his Saviour, Christ Jesus the Lord in December.
Love and Prayers,

ike said...

Sorry for your loss Lisa. You are right - it certainly does bring it forward in your mind when you lose someone. I never feel my own age until that starts happening :-(
I really hope your Dad gets to read this awesome post. A lovely tribute xxx

txexperiment said...

Thanks so much for this wonderful sentiment. I have used it on sympathy cards in the past and I hope it helps ease some of the pain of losing a loved one.

I have buried both of my parents and even though the ache never really goes away, they were both good people and I know they are both safe in Heaven or well on their way.

At my mom's funeral, the priest repeated a visit he'd had with my mother shortly before she passed. She'd suffered for many years with various ailments and was tired and ready to go to her reward. He told us that he'd never met someone who was so anxious to go to Heaven. Even though it was so hard to say goodbye, it gave me such comfort to know that she was safe at last and right where she wanted to be, no longer suffering. She had a deep faith and never questioned why but seemed to know that it would all work out in the end. With faith, all things work for good.

My condolences to your family during this time.

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

Dear txexperiment,
I wish there was a way to reach out to you privately but as of yet I don't know how. So I'll leave my reply here and hope that one day you might see it. Thank you so much for your lovely words. My heart aches for the losses you have endured. I hope that the words within this quote help to ease some of the pain you yourself have endured.

Thanks so much for your condolences.
