Saturday, March 09, 2013

Don't Forget to Enter for Your Chance to Win

~~~This note will stay up until March 9th when the new Saturday Showcase is published.  Please scroll down to read newer posts.~~~ 

Hey everyone, 

If you missed the Saturday Showcase this week you missed a couple of great opportunities.

From now until Sunday, March 3rd, 11:59 p.m. EST, you can receive a generous 60% discount on purchases made over at Fresh Brewed Designs but you will have to go in and read the Saturday Showcase post to find the special code you will need. 

Additionally, Heather is graciously providing me with the opportunity to give away my personal three favourite digis from the showcase as part of a draw.  So, if you would like the opportunity to win one of the specified digital images, you will need to read the Saturday Showcase post and follow the instructions listed.  The draw will be open until next week's Saturday Showcase (March 9th) goes live. 

So what are you waiting for, have a seat, grab a beverage and get to know Heather from Fresh Brewed Designs!  Just click on the showcase button below to go straight to the post.

1 comment:

Naomi Edwards said...

I will defiantly go and check this out!!! Right now! hugs