Saturday, March 02, 2013

Saturday Showcase: March 2, 2013

It is time for the Saturday Showcase where I highlight other artists' work (whether it be stamps, cards or otherwise), a blog post offering a great technique, or I might even just pick a whole blog to showcase. If you are new to my blog you can find out why I created the showcase HERE.

This week I'm doing things a little different again.  I'm still showcasing a card, a freebie and a store digi; however, the entire showcase is going to spotlight one person's work.  This will be the second time I have done this but certainly not the last!  This time there are extra goodies involved but I can't tell you just yet, you'll have to make your way through the showcase first and NO CHEATING by skipping through, Big Brother is watching and I'll find out somehow in which case you'll end up on the naughty list...

Today we celebrate

Fresh Brewed Designs  

Her personal blog is called

Her store, also called Fresh Brewed Designs, can be found HERE

Heather is an incredible lady that I have had the fortune to get to know a little bit better this week.  While I have been an admirer of her work for some time now we hadn't actually 'met'.  This week while getting things ready for the showcase and learning a little more about her and her blogs, I can honestly see why so many other bloggers sing her praises.   Not only is she extremely talented, but she is also an extremely generous soul as you will soon find out.  

Heather was introduced to card-making in 2008 and has been an addict ever since.  I am also thinking she may also have a wee addiction to coffee given her choice of names for both her blogs.  Someone really, really must love coffee!  

Apparently, I am in the same beginning stages of addiction to card-making and design that she was when she started as she shared the following with me:

"I would  stay up some nights, all night, lying in bed thinking about layouts, card designs, dreaming about giant cartoon like animals chasing me. Yes, I was becoming addicted. After a while, that was not enough. I started drawing little extras on my card. I would take my stamps and mask off part and add purses, coffee cups and all kinds of little things to them." 

It is nice to know that I'm not the only one whose sleep is being interrupted with card layouts wanting to be developed and designs wanting to come to life.  Although I'm lucky in the fact that no giant cartoon animals have chased me down--YET.  I really hope that is not the next stage! 

So with her addiction growing strong and a desire to create on a broader level, Heather summoned up the courage and started her digi shop in the fall of 2009.  After spending a year of designing digital images and getting used to the new world she was part of, she decided to take a chance and branched out into creating her own line of rubber stamps. This certainly was by no means any small task but with passion, perseverance and a little bit of grit, the Fresh Brewed Designs website was born.  She went on to release her very first rubber stamps and the Freshly Brewed Challenges blog in November of 2010.   Heather is extremely thankful for the wonderful support system that she is surrounded by and says that without their "support, help, guidance and listening ears" she wouldn't be where she is today.  I personally am extremely thankful that Heather was brave enough to pursue her goals.  Our special creative community is far more richer with her in it.

Card Choice

Isn't she just one of the most precious bunnettes you have ever seen?  This card and the bunny on it was recently featured on the Fresh Brewed Designs blog in the post, "Have a Hoppy Day".  I love every aspect of this card:  the paper, the unique layout, the ribbon and what appears to be little pompoms attached to them.  Then of course, there are those huge buttons in each corner that brings the entire piece into balance.  The 'piece de resistance' is that adorable little bunny image that Heather herself designed.  Such a sweet and innocent little thing with the most precious of expressions on her face and Heather has done such an awesome job colouring her.  I love the little sparkly bits on the flower and the dress' waistband.  They just add a special sparkling touch to the overall design.  This image is another one great for its versatility because it can be used for so many other occasions than just Easter.  "Sweet Bunny" could be also be used for birthday, get well, thinking of you, thank you, and friendship cards just to name a few.  

If the image looks familiar it might be because you saw it posted on this blog earlier this week (original post HERE). As part of Heather's new release she was offering people a chance to win this digital image by doing a couple of simple tasks.  The draw is today so if you participated, good luck in winning her and make sure you go back to Fresh Brewed Designs to see who the winner was.  However, if you didn't participate, you may still have a chance to walk away with this digi.  Keep reading for details.

Free Digital Stamp Choice

Remember my mentioning that Heather was generous?  Well here is one of the many reasons why.  Heather is a proud supporter of the "Stars and Stamps" subsidiary of "Operation Write Home".  For those of you who are unfamiliar with this group, they are an American based organization that supports their military troops abroad by sending them handcrafted cards so that the soldiers have something to send to their families during the holidays and at various times throughout the year.  They also send letters of encouragement to the soldiers themselves to help bolster their spirits.  If you'd like to learn more about this organization, you can click HERE to go to their homepage.  Heather has generously provided OWH with four freebies for their readers, one of which I am sharing here with you.  Two of the freebies have American elements (i.e the American flag) as part of their design but there is a snowman and of course the owl above that can appeal to a larger worldwide audience.  This owl is such a little sweetheart and I love not only the fact that it is holding a heart but that if you look closely, the centres of its eyes are also hearts.  Such a cool and original idea.  To get an idea of how this little bird looks when all coloured up take a look at these two beautiful cards also created by Heather.

Both these cards are available for viewing on Heather's personal blog.  Clicking either of them will take you to the originating post.

While the owl isn't the exact same one that is used on these cards it is pretty close.  I love how the smaller one rests against the larger one.  They just look so loving.  Both of these beautiful cards just stress how great a designer Heather really is and how spoiled we are to have her designs in both the digital and card making worlds. 

If you do go over and snag the freebie, why not enter Fresh Brewed Designs' current monthly challenge going on until March the 4th.  The theme right now is hearts and dots.  There are hearts built right into this image so all you have to do is supply the dots but don't worry you don't have to use a FBD image in order to enter their challenges so if you have a card on your blog right now that fits and it was posted on or after February 6th, why not take the time and go enter for your chance to win.  You can enter up to five times! 

Also be sure you stop by the Fresh Brewed Designs: Facebook Page as Heather often gives away stamps and has freebies over there too.  

 Finally, that brings me to the...

This week I'm showcasing more stamps than I ever have.  I just couldn't resist because they are all from the same line.  Each of them can be found in the Spring collection of the digital stamps area of the Fresh Brewed Designs webstore (see link above).  With less than a month to go now before Easter, it is the perfect time to get your hands on these cutie-patooties (clicking on each watermarked image will take you straight to the spring collections page where they are available for sale).

Camouflage Chick
Fuzzy Chick with Bow

Chick with Bunny Ears
Hello Spring Chick
Peekaboo Chick

Paint Me Pretty Chick

Aren't these just the cutest little chicks?  What is even better, is that each one of them also has a touch of humour in them.   There are actually eight of the chicks in the store but I had to draw the line somewhere.  I'll tell you though, it is getting as hard to pick images for the showcase as it is picking comments for the Sunday Spotlight.  All these artists are just so incredible making my job of choosing, an extremely tough one!  

So, let me introduce each of the chicks to you.  

First up we have 'Camouflage Chick'.  Perfect for all those stealthy cards you create.  He is known for his ability to creep into your work unnoticed and before you know it, there he is front and centre scoping out the situation.  By that point he has won your heart and you can't get rid of him.

Next meet 'Fuzzy Chick with Bow'.  After having spent the day at the featherdresser's, she is all fluffed up and ready to melt the heart of any recipient that your card is sent to.  She is sure to impress any of the little girls in your life.

Time to move on and meet 'Chick with Bunny Ears'.  This little one is having a bit of an identity crisis it seems.  Born of mixed species, he is trying his best to fit in with dad's side of the family for this time of year.  He is having a bit of a hard time with it, all the other chicks have been teasing him so won't you open up your heart and let him come home with you?

Next we have 'Hello Spring Chick'.  Now this fluffy little one is sure to enchant those with even the hardest of hearts.  While he lures you in with the flower, one look into those little peeps of his and you are done for.  It is always the charmers you have to watch out for.  So, make his day and give him a whole new crowd to entrance.

Next in line we have 'Peekaboo Chick'.  She seems to be a bit shy but all she needs is a loving home like yours and I'm sure that she will start to come around.

Finally, there is 'Paint Me Pretty Chick'.  Unfortunately, she has a bit of an ego and needs to be the centre of attention at all times.  However, that could be a match made in heaven for a card-maker.  We all need someone to act as the main feature of our cards and of course 'Paint Me Pretty' will be the first in line to convince you it is her.

Well there you go, now you've met all but two of the chick family.  I encourage you to go over and meet the final two and here is an even bigger incentive to head over to the store.  If you go over to Fresh Brewed Designs between now and Sunday night at 11:59 pm EST, you will receive an amazing 60% off if you use the code: showcase.  I told you Heather was incredibly generous.  

BUT WAIT, incredibly, there is even more...
Heather is graciously providing me with the opportunity to give away my personal three favourite digis from the showcase as part of a draw.  So,  if you would like the opportunity to win one of the following digis, stick around, read and follow the instructions listed below.

The three digis up for grabs are:

This is what you need to do in order to qualify for the draw...
If you are or become a follower of BOTH my blog and the Fresh Brewed Designs blog, AND you leave me a comment letting me know that you are or have become our followers and also let us know the kind of home you will provide for one of these precious images, your name will be entered into a draw to receive one of these digis.  Just to make it clear, there will be three winners, each winning one digital design from the three listed directly above.  Easy peasy right?  

However, PLEASE only become a follower if you truly plan to stick around.  It would make me rather sad knowing that you became a follower solely for the purpose of this draw.  The draw will be open until next week's Saturday Showcase (March 9th) goes live.  I will announce the winners in that post.

Now you have even more of a reason to go check out Fresh Brewed Designs.  I must take a moment to personally thank Heather for not only allowing me to showcase her beautiful cards and digital designs but also for being so, so generous in allowing my readers the opportunity to purchase her work at a 60% discount and on top of that to donate my three favourite digital designs to offer up in a draw for three lucky readers.  I have been very blessed by meeting this very special lady and I encourage you all to go and introduce yourselves as well.

Until next time,

*Thanks to Nikki from Limited Runs Stamps for creating my Saturday Showcase badge.


ike said...

Oh, Fabulous Showcase about Heather - I have some of her designs.
I am now a Follower of her Blog and of course, I have been 'stalking' you for a while now !!!LoL
I simply adore that Chick with Bunny Ears... as you say - he's got a bit of an identity crisis going on there. He made me chuckle out loud - it's awesome :-)
Thank you for doing your amazing Showcases - I know how much time that must take you - they are always so interesting and it's great to see stuff about other Peeps :-)
IKE xxxxxxxxxxxxx

p.s. Oh, - I snagged me an Owl too :-) Thanks for the heads-up xoxoxox

Crafting Vicky said...

This is such a wonderful showcase! I was already a follower of Freshly brewed but did not know of her personal blog. Just joined that one as well. Truly talented artist. Just love those little eggs lol the camouflage one is just perfect for a boy!!! They are so hard to do those cards lol Thanks for the opportunity to win. I'm thinking I have to go shopping for some digis because of you lol You are really an enabler...

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

Thank you so much for this fantastic feature post! I am blushing!!!
Thank YOU for your generosity and for doing so much for your followers, fans and for supporting companies such as mine.
I can not begin to tell you how humbled, blessed and thankful I feel right now.
Big smiles,
Heather Dennis

Suze said...

I enjoyed reading through this spotlight - heaps of information. I think I might be an addict too but I haven't been chased by the cartoon animals either!!! It's amazing how many cards I design in my head - either when I am supposed to be going to sleep or when I am walking to and from places! Although I have been doing the challenges at FBD for a while, somehow I had missed adding myself as a follower! Done that now though and I have been a follower of your blog for ages!! If one of these images were to make it's way to my home, it wouldn't take long to appear on a card.

Anonymous said...

I already follow both of you so you know that I am going to stick around. :D I love these images. I'm going to have to take advantage of the 60% off! That is a great bargain! These are awesome stamps! Lisa & Heather together--A Match Made In Heaven! Hugs~Patti

Vi soriano said...

I followed your blog...nice giveaway and cute digi and images...

Vi soriano said...

I m a follower of fresh brewed designs and got a lot of her stamps...Heather is a nice lady and very helpful ...she made me start my blog so i can enjoy all the all her creations and enjoyed making cards using those images in my blog. I love the rabbit image ...nice for easter card and spring .

Vi soriano said...

I m a follower of fresh brewed designs and got a lot of her stamps...Heather is a nice lady and very helpful ...she made me start my blog so i can enjoy all the all her creations and enjoyed making cards using those images in my blog. I love the rabbit image ...nice for easter card and spring .

Karen said...

Oh my goodness, what an incredible showcase! So much information and so much joy that you shared. :o) The crafting community is extraordinarily special and today you (and Heather) have perfectly portrayed that. Lots of love and hugs to both of you!

Hugs and blessings!

bumblebee creations said...

wow, what a great showcase--and you are so right, Heather is an amazing crafter,artist and card maker, and has given inspiration to us all!! Thank You Lisa, for sharing "Heather" with us this week! And THANKS to Heather for sharing all of her wonderful discounts and images!

JustYolie said...

I love Heather!! I'm proud to call her my friend!! Yes, she is super generous, beautiful, loving and mega talented!!! Love me some Fresh Brewed Designs!!! ♥

Naomi Edwards said...

What an incredible showcase Lisa, you did stupendious as Michael would say, hehe.. As always I got a few chuckles and very happy to hear no cartoon animals chased you down.
I just came from Heather's blog and her cards and digital stamps are amazing..I had already been following Heather to my surprise but must have lost her along the way so now I am her new LOYAL follower. I have added her to Bloglovin my trusty blog organizer. Hugs my most awesome friend