First I need to apologize. I realized tonight when looking for something in my original Thursdays... post that I had the link wrong. So, if you were new and tried the link and instead of finding out why I started my gratitude post, found out why Motivational Mondays got started, I sincerely apologize for the confusion. I don't know where my head was at, I usually check all my links. That being said, let us get on with today's post.
As I mentioned when I started the idea for this post, that while it would be centred around the idea of gratitude, the actual format may change from post to post. For example, I might pose a question for you to think about, further explore the concept of why gratitude is important, or create a design based on appreciation or maybe, just put out a quote for you to consider. Today, I'm going to make things a little more personal instead of keeping things general by sharing parts of my Tuesday with all of you.
You see, Tuesday wasn't one of my best days physically. I wasn't able to turn the light out until around 7:30 am to try and go to sleep and then my mind would NOT shut off so I didn't fall asleep at all until about 10:30 am. Then, I only managed to sleep for an hour before waking again. I knew that I couldn't function on one hour of disturbed sleep so I after about another 20 minutes I drifted off for another hour. When I woke up again I got out of bed and tried to work at the computer for three hours but by that time the headache I had woken up with had turned into a raging migraine accompanied by severe nausea so I had to leave the office before I faceplanted into the computer keyboard. Now the reason that I am bringing this up is that even though I was having a difficult day, there were good things mixed in with the bad and there was still opportunity for expressing gratitude.
When I got settled at my computer and pulled up my email, there was a message from Suze over at Craftysuze congratulating me for my win over at Paper Crafting World. In my head I was thinking, "huh? I don't remember entering any of my latest cards into a challenge over there". So, I promptly headed over figuring she had made a mistake and another Lisa had won. I was almost resolved to that fact when I finally came to my name listed as the second last winner.
You see, I had no idea that Paper Crafting World was even offering prizes for people leaving comments during their '25 Days of Christmas'. It is in my nature to leave a comment when someone offers up a freebie so I was just doing what I always do; however, it was so nice to be rewarded for doing so. Without Suze, I would never have known. Even thought I generally visit Melin's blog on a weekly basis, I would never have thought to scroll through a post listing winner names. Therefore the odds of ever having found my name and claiming the prize on time would have been nil. To top it off, when Melin came to my blog to verify my information, she liked what she saw and decided to become a follower. So, not only did I win four digital images from her store, I also gained a new follower through the whole process.
Once I had taken care of those details, I moved on and took care of more correspondence. Then I came across a message from Sharon who is on the DT over at Lady Anne's Challenges. She had left a comment to inform me that I had won the digi she had used in her last challenge. You see these ladies are not above a little bribery and sweet comments can lead to sweet prizes. It got better though because Sharon also decided to become a follower. Who knew how successful a litlle bribery, oops I mean sweet talk, could be? ;O)
So while I have thanked all these ladies privately, I also wanted to do so publicly. So thank you to Suze, Sharon and Melin for bringing a little sunshine to what was otherwise a bit of a grey day. Oh and Suze, since if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have known I had won over at PCW, I will be creating a special digi for you as a thank you. Watch for it in your mailbox soon.
So, even on those days when things are not their best, we can still take time to say a simple thank you to someone who has made it just a little bit better for us. These are some of the people that I have said thank you to over the last couple of days. Who are you saying your thanks to?
Until next time,

So sorry that your day was so hard on Tuesday.... But I'm really glad that you have gotten some sunshine through it. It really is a question of how you see the glass... filled 1/2 way or 1/2 empty...
Hope you are feeling heaps better Lisa.
The most important thing is always, always put yourself first. All of us here in this part of cyberville would want that for you. You are a ray of sunshine in our world. I agree so much with Vicky ... everything that happens to us is effected by how we look at things. If you can ... be that glass always half full because that is what you are to us.
Sweetie, it sounds like you have had a hard time of it. I am glad you are able to see the positives, it really does make a huge difference. I try so hard to stamp out negativity in others and help them see that a lot of the time they can control the way their day goes by changing their perspective. Some people though I think will always be a glass half empty. They seem to like to dwell in that negative space :(
Thankyou for letting me know that I had won a challenge. I had no idea as I have been wrapped up in preparation for yesterdays funeral, designing & printing the order of service and tributes etc.
Congratulations on your wins, you are one of the most deserving people and I am delighted for you.
Love Mandy xxx
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