Look at that. We've already hit our first 13-13 combination. My super obvious observation for the day.
Okay! It is time for a new round of the Sunday Spotlight. If you are just visiting for the first time, it is that time of week when I say a particular thank you to one of my
readers acknowledging them for something
thoughtful, inspiring, or mindful that they have said in one of their comments.
As a way of saying thanks, I will present this person with an advanced
copy of a freebie that I promise, no one else will be able to get their
hand on for at least three months and possibly longer.Well peeps, let me just say that you have all made my choices for today extremely difficult. First, if I at all can help it, I can't go a month EVER AGAIN before choosing a comment. It is just too difficult to let all that time go without acknowledging the sweet, sweet words some of you leave me. So for that reason there will be no honourable mentions this week. All the comments I am highlighting below ALL deserve to be acknowledged as comments that have really touched me.
So let the spotlight shine on these wonderful comments from the last month arranged in no particular order...
Thanks so much Lisa! I downloaded the sentiments and will surely use them. Thanks and Giving are truly what we should always be aware of - giving back, not always requesting for ONE'S SELF, doing our best to improve this world. I am so thankful that today I can sit here and be with my online friends. If it were not for catching a brain bleed early one year ago in June, I'd be on dialysis the rest of my life. Thank you Lord! on The Expression of Gratitude
Oh Lisa - you are totally cracking me up. I needed that today. Before yesterday even ended my hubbie had taken on an extra job that included "Me" - ugh, not cool, not nice!!! Then this a.m. we get a phone call that involved both of us in yet one more job. Enuf of this helping - time to nap like a bear! But alas that is not our style, I'll have to do some alliterations to keep me giggling! Have an awesome day - I always look forward to your emails! on Wonderful Wednesdays: Lovely Lettering Day
You never fail to make me so glad I met you through your blog. Your words are so inspiring and today's are no exception. With the simple elements of "joy" you reach everyone in the world. Love it!!! Hugs on Holiday Handout: Day 3
My dear, dear friend .... I love your angel wings. Don't ever think anything that you do isn't special because it is. The fact that this is your first one says so much. You are willing to take the time to learn something new. That in itself is always an accomplishment. Life is made up of either being afraid to try something new or not to. You are the first type. You have given so much to all of us, since you joined our world. And, I for one ... AM SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE HERE!!! Congrats on all your new paths you are taking and I can't wait to see what you can create this time on Dec 30, 2013. Hugs, Sue on Congratulations Ike's World
Congratulations!! What a way to start off the new year!! I am almost
sure this is only the beginning of something bigger for you and there
will be other DT's calling upon you!! The work you do and the
inspiration you give to others is immeasurable!! Here is wishing you the
best and many blessings for the upcoming New Year!! Can't wait to see
all your creations!! on Design Team Coup
Beautiful, heartwarming post. It is so very true that something as simple as a smile could melt somebodies heart and help make their day better. The best gifts are most often free and given with love, which makes them so very special. Thank you for this wonderful post. And thank you for including me in it. I was so very touched by it. It was a beautiful gift. The biggest of hugs, on Giving Without Expectation

Call me gobsmacked and dipped in glitter, what a perfect saying for a crafter. I often find myself with glitter in he most inappropriate of places, I believe it is a bit of my inner sparkle escaping and helping to spread infection stylee onto someone far less twinkly than myself! Well done on your DT position, that's got to be a boost for your self confidence :) on Design Team Coup
Sweetie, it sounds like you have had a hard time of it. I am glad you are able to see the positives, it really does make a huge difference. I try so hard to stamp out negativity in others and help them see that a lot of the time they can control the way their day goes by changing their perspective. Some people though I think will always be a glass half empty. They seem to like to dwell in that negative space :( Thankyou for letting me know that I had won a challenge. I had no idea as I have been wrapped up in preparation for yesterdays funeral, designing & printing the order of service and tributes etc. Congratulations on your wins, you are one of the most deserving people and I am delighted for you. on A Day for Saying Thank You
So sorry that your day was so hard on Tuesday.... But I'm really glad that you have gotten some sunshine through it. It really is a question of how you see the glass... filled 1/2 way or 1/2 empty... on A Day for Saying Thank You
I am calling the Litary Looney Line right away!!! hahaha , how awesome is it that your other personality , oops your Inspriation fairy could put this together! That is a talent in itself for sure! I am surprised you don't have a book published for you are a spectacular writer.. I enjoy how you present your post and I literally sit and laugh out loud at times. Thanks for making my day Lisa!!!!!! I really love the alliterations and your Inspiration fairy's name... Digital Design Diva Love it! Have a super day my friend and get some well deserved rest. Hugs on Wonderful Wednesdays: Lovely Lettering Day
This is such a nice feature of your blog! It shows that you really do read each comment and appreciate whatever bits of wisdom they have to offer! Life is going by so quickly these days...it doesn't take but a minute to send a note letting someone know you appreciate them :-) Thank you for all you do Lisa! ((hugs)) on Sunday Spotlight: November 25, 2012
Oh my goodness...I can so relate to that 1st paragraph! I think it's an
awesome idea to share your drawings from years gone by! I love looking
back at my work (when I thought it was good) and realizing how much I
have grown over the past year! I really enjoy hearing the stories behind
them too! Keep 'em coming!! on Flashback Friday: January 4, 2013
Coooool !! This is a fabbo drawing :-) I have some old, OLD stuff in my folder from art college way back in the year "19hundred+ frozentodeath" bwaahahahaha. Fortunately I think most of the dates are on the back LoL I wouldn't throw any of it out though.....aaaaahhhhh - takes me back. I certainly have evolved since then though. !! You got me going now... I might dig out some of the old stuff too :-D Hugz on Flashback Friday: January 4, 2013
Just a few general comments from me based on the comment left by all of you...
- I'm really happy people are finding a use for the items I create.
- I'm so glad that people are really reflecting on some of the things I have to say and thinking about how these topics fit into their own lives.
- I'm pleased that most of you actually 'get' my sense of humour and are able to share a laugh or two with me.
- I'm incredibly honoured that people feel safe enough here to share some of their own personal anecdotes.
- It is so cool that this is such a caring community of individuals I've become involved with.
- I'm moved that I have been able to inspire some of you in your own lives.
- I am incredibly blessed that people are willing to share their lives with me so that I can in turn share their stories with the rest of you.
- I am very lucky to have met so many people with whom I share similar interests and history.
- I am blown away that people who are dealing with their own pain and difficulties still have the time and energy to come over and leave a comment for me to help brighten my day.
- I am thrilled that many of you see the benefits of staying positive, however difficult it may be.
- I am excited that some of you have been inspired to dig out and look back on your own artwork from years gone by to reminisce and trace your own growth from then until now.
- I am so appreciative that you take the time out of your busy lives to leave me a little 'love' during the day.
- I am humbled that so many of you accept me for who I am and truly want to get to know me through story and art.
Please know how truly difficult it is each and every week for me to choose comments to highlight. So many of you have left such beautiful comments that have touched me deeply and I truly appreciate each and every one of them and each and every one of you!
Until next time,

ohhhh you are sooo sweet! One of the things that I love the most about blogging is the way that even if we don't know each other outside of the web we have a community of people sharing common interests. And your blog really helps to achieve this by letting us meet in a wonderful place ;) And of course you also make us think... with your words of wisdom. Keep it up my friend you are doing a fabulous job. Thank you so much for the advance copy of a freebie ;) That's really awesome.
Ooooh - thank you for sticking me up there again :-) I meant it though, that it was a lovely drawing. I totally agree with Vicky's comment above too.... I love it here in Blogland 'meeting' all these exciting people with so much to share :-D xxxxx
Lisa you have actually made me cry (happy tears of course). I love to interact with like minded people who share the happy and the sad times, as they happen to all of us. The important things is to learn from the sad times and appreciate the happy times. In my blog in the past I have shared some of the darkest times when I was in deep dark depression but I am now very nearly almost all the way out the other side. 2 Years ago I could not possibly think this would happen, I am so much more happy and positive, unburdened and free, I want to spread this happiness to everyone around me and if a few comments on a post can bring this much joy to both you and me, that's a nice way to touch someone else's life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for spotlighting me, it means a lot to me. Thank you also for the special freebie, that really is a lovely thing to do.
Love Mandy xxx
Ahhhh!!!! Yippeee!!! You are the sweetest!!!! I love your mind, it allows you to write in a way that opens our minds, I love seeing the world through your eyes gaining a wider perspective on life. You are the strongest person I know and I adore you. Thank you so much in advance for the freebie!!!!
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