Thursday, March 14, 2013

100 Followers! Come Celebrate with Me!

Happy 100 Followers Decosse's Dynamite Doodles!

Yup!  Today I celebrate me!
In less than five months I have reached the 100 follower mark through Google Friends Connect!

This may seem like small potatoes to some people but it is an incredibly big deal to me.  In my wildest dreams I never expected to reach this milestone so soon.  It is fitting that we celebrate this today.  After all, Thursdays are for giving thanks over here!  So on that note, thanks to all my wonderful readers who have made this new experience of blogging such an incredibly fulfilling one.  I have grown as an individual and am focusing on the 'what is possible' more and more these days.  As many of you know, I have certain physical limitations and medical conditions that greatly affect what it is I can and can't do.   It also greatly reduces the number of people that I come in contact with in my physical world.  However, through the creation of this blog and my foray into card making and digital design, I have been warmly welcomed into a whole different kind of world and not only am I able feel once again like a contributing member of society but have also developed some true friendships along the way.  What started out as a place to post cards has developed into something so much more.  My goal has always been for my blog to become a place of inspiration on many different levels and through your acceptance, I believe that I am well on my way to achieving it.

I am so honored and humbled to have friends and followers like all of you.  It is amazing how we all can communicate and support one another in this creative world of ours.  Thanks to everyone who follows, reads, checks-in, comments, visits, etc.  I appreciate it more than you will ever be able to understand.  Hopefully both this blog and I will continue to grow together.  As always, it is my hope that my writings will inspire you to see the joy, the possibility and wonder that life has to offer by providing you with a perspective that you may not have thought about before.  I also hope that you will continue to walk with me as I journey down the road of card making becoming better at the craft as I learn and grow, taking inspiration from all of you.  Finally, I hope that you will continue to enjoy the creations that I freely offer up as thanks for making this new route I'm travelling, such an incredible road to be on.

So, it is time to party and what is a party without  party favours????!!!!!

First off, I have some freebies to share with all of you.  Several of the sentiments that I have used over the past couple of weeks have been so well received that I have decided to make them available to all of my readers!  Additionally, how about a couple new papers to help you get ready for spring?  But first, let's start off with some words to get us in the mood!

 Let the freebie parade begin!

Words to get you in the mood:
 Font:  Trash Barusa

  Font:  Nocker

  Font:  Nocker

Sentiments for cards or other projects:

I've offered the first line in two different formats, choose the one you'd like. 
  Fonts:  Grutch Shaded & Prism

Offered in two different formats, choose the one you'd like. 
 Fonts:  Jenna Sue & Impact Label

  Fonts: Easter Bunny  &  Vanessa

  Fonts: Bunnywunny  &  Mountains of- Christmas 

Font: Arizonia  (this one is new and will be on a card posted tomorrow)

Popping Papers:

That is TEN, count'em TEN FREEBIES, for any one of you popping by.  One for every ten people that signed up to follow me.

Now some goodies for ALL my followers.

  Email me with "DDD-100th follower" in the subject line and I will email you a special treat.  This way all of my followers get an extra bonus from today's celebration!

And now for some extra special goodies for my wonderful followers! 

If you are one of my followers (i.e. your picture/name is listed over in the side bar as part of Google Friends Connect) or sign up now to become a new follower, you will be eligible for the special draw that I am about to announce.  However, PLEASE only become a follower if you truly plan to stick around.  It would make me rather sad knowing that you became a follower solely for the purpose of this draw.  Due to the large number of prizes being offered, the draw will remain open until 12:00 pm EST on my birthday which is a little over a month from now.  I want as many of you as possible to have the time to see this post and sign up for the draw.  Even though it will be my birthday, you might be the lucky one to get a special gift.  I will announce all of the winners in a special post that will appear later that day.  I will put a sticky note up to let people know about the draw in case they miss this post.

Throughout my journey these past few months, I have made some extra special friends and five special ladies have generously offered to sponsor my special celebration.  The following prizes are up for grabs.  In alphabetical order of the sponsor, here is what you have to look forward to in this draw.

 One prize of three images AND one prize of two images from Creative Bug Digitals

  One prize of three images AND one prize of two images from
Digi Darla Designs 


 One prize of three images from Fresh Brewed Designs

One prize of three images from Limited Runs

One prize of two images from Scribbles Designs

I also have three special prizes available:

Win a specially designed phrase or sentiment of your request...
Whether it is a general phrase like 'happy birthday' or 'best wishes on your retirement' or if there is a special quote that you have always wanted to see done up as a sentiment, the choice is yours!  You provide me with the phrase of your choice and I'll come up with the design.  If you can't think of anything specific, then that is okay too, you can just provide me with a 'category' or just be surprised.  It is entirely up to you!

Win a paper of your request from a group of offered choices... 
Whether it is stripes, circles, stars, plaids, argyle, dots, floral, get the picture; the choice of shape and colours is yours.  I'll provide you with a complete list of designs you can choose from and then make your pick, let me know the colours you'd like it to be and I'll create a special paper based on your request.

Win a specially designed 'Motivational Graphic'...
You choose the tone.  Do you want a quote on happiness, on getting through a difficult time, one about generosity or one about kindness?  The choices are many.  You already might even have a quote in mind that you'd like to use.  It is up to you.  I'll match your choice with an appropriate picture and together we'll create a 'poster'.

For a total of 32 goodies being offered up in this celebration!

Instructions for Entering Draw
Remember, in order to win you must be signed up with Google Friends connect as a Follower.  The only other thing you have to do is add your name to the linky list at the bottom of this page.  Easy Peasy!

Thank you so much to Naomi, Kim and Karen, Heather, Nikki and Sandy for their incredible generosity.  Without all of them, this celebration would not be possible!  Please show these ladies some love and visit each of their stores!

Image Details:
  • Please note that some of these sentiments may not look exactly the same as the originals.  When I originally did them, some had fonts that were PUO only.  I always try to provide you with sentiments that you can use on cards that you hand make and sell.  
  • If anyone would prefer the original, drop me a line and I'll send it you with the understanding that it will be for PUO.
  • *The Vanessa font is considered free but with no additional license info.  Therefore I'd use caution if selling something with this font on it.
  • The same font size was used in each grouping.  I'm hoping that it only looks different here.  Sentiments are also larger than they appear. 
  • Papers were created in Photoshop Elements using templates I picked up at Pixel Scrapper.  Each is 3600 x 3600 pixels and 300 dpi.
Good luck everyone!

p.s. if you've made it this far, the banner at the the top of the page is also up for grabs but is PUO.  The background is a freebie from Sweetly Scrapped.



Desire Fourie said...

Oh wow congrats on your 100 Followers in such a short space of time. But that's no wonder as your blog is jam packed with inspiration and generosity. Such wonderful prizes you have on offer - thank you so much. I am entering your draw. I have also just noticed in your left sidebar that I was the winner over at Broken Box Stock for their St Patricks Challenge - thank you somuch for your highlights section.
{Would love you to visit my blog and join my 500-Follower Give-Away. Thank you so much if you already have entered.}
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Desire Fourie said...

Apologies, I also meant to say that the freebies you have here are awesome and I will definitely be able to put them to good use.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

ike said...

AWESOME - Go Girl :-D I am so pleased for you but I am NOT surprised !! :-D Your Blog is always fabulous... I not only learn stuff, but I get to see all about other amazing people AND you give me goodies too :-D Here's to the next 100 !!
IKE xxx

Karen Wilson said...

Well, congratulations Lisa!! Well done and in so little time! That's awesome. Thank you for all the inspiration you post, I look fwd to seeing each one. Good luck to all your followers, you have some awesome giveaways and thank you for the freebies!!!


Sandy S said...

Congratulations on 100 followers! That is so wonderful and so deserving for you! You are an inspiration and it is a honour to be able to provide a prize for your blog!

Sandy S

Jennifer said...

Lisa, I'm so happy for you! Such a wonderful way to celebrate your 100 follower mark! Thank you so much for the lovely freebies and your thoughtful words for everyone! You're a treasure!

Edwina said...

Wow! thank you so much for the sentiments and papers. This is so generous of you. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers. Edwina Brown

Naomi Edwards said...

Hi Lisa! A hundred followers is certainly a big milestone in bloggy world and I am so excited for you!!! I can see you reaching 10 times that amount in time when people find you because you have one of the most inspirational blogs I have ever come across, I love that your personality shows through as I have had the amazing opportunity to get to know the beautiful you in real life. Shine on my friend and thank you so much for the lovely freebies, I have them tucked into a folder ready to use!!! Congrats and have a fabulous day!!!! hugs

Heather D. ~ Fresh Brewed Designs said...

What a FUN FUN FUN post this is!!! I giggled at these sentiments! How CUTE are they! And I love the papers! Thank you for all of the wonderful freebies, for all of your well worded, informative and fun blog posts, and for you just being you. I am so happy and blessed that you and I met through blogging. Congratulations on reaching this goal, may you only continue to GROW more and more in number and friends.


Crafting Vicky said...

How did I miss this post!!!! Oh my so sorry that I'm late in saying CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So well deserved. What a fabulous celebration! I'm going to post the info in my sidebar! Here's to many more 100s :)))

Unknown said...

Grateful for your freebies and especially when you link the font you use already a follower and congrats on reaching 100 followers...great feeling.xx

Anonymous said...

••·¨*:Congratulations! ·:*¨·••
ღ˚ •"* ♥ ˚ ˚"˚ ˛"* " ღ˛° "* °♥ ˚ • " *˚ .ღ "*˛˚
just sprinkling a little celebration on your blog
Congratulations! on your 100 followers
You have brought joy to so many of us by your generousity. You are so sweet and generous to share you talent with us.
Keep up the fabulous work. I wish you many more creative years of inspiration!!
Exciting giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win
I have also just noticed in your right sidebar i can follow you by e-mail
I did become a follower. i follow you by email . I am so much better
visiting places if I get reminders. (so i never miss any of your news)
.·:*¨·••·¨*:· Thanks.·:*¨·••·¨*:·
for the nice wordart freebies and paper.I appreciate you being so kind and sharing with us.
Have a wonderful and creative weekend.take care of yourself and stay warm and healty.
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•sending hugs across the miles
I have not visited in a while and need to go catch up to read the past news,
so i will be back later
Sometimes it's hard to exlpain , especially when english is not your motherlanguage,
but I guess you forgive me the spelling mistakes.

Hello said...

Congratulations on reaching 100 followers! I just became a follower and signed up for your email! I have been here quite often via Free Digital Stamps. Thanks for the freebies and a chance to win!

Josie Cox said...

Lisa, Congrats on your milestone. Heres to the next milestone. Hugs, Josie

bumblebee creations said...

Thanks so very much for all the awesome freebies!! I am enjoying your posts--keep up the great work!

Unknown said...

Lisa you are awesome! Congratulations on growing so quickly. You so deserve it with all the promoting you do!!! I am so glad I found you and enjoy reading your posts and chit chatting with you from time to time. You're a very special person. HUGE hugs,
CDAC DT Member
A Look Through My Eyes

Sassy Raggedy said...

Hi Lisa, congrats on hitting 100 followers. Hope I did everything right. Have your wonderful candy posted on my blog as well as your blog button. Thanks so much for the wordart...joann sassy raggedy

Made by Mandy said...

Congratulations on your milestone. You deserve every single one of your followers. You are so very generous with your freebies and super talented but more importantly a thoroughly nice person and a good friend.

Your honesty, integrity and strong values shine through in all that you do and say and it is truly a pleasure to know you.

Love Mandy xxx

zub momi said...

Hi Lisa.Congratulations on your 100 followers! I must say your blog is one of the most inspirational blog in the blogging world. Thank you so much for all the fabulous prizes you have offered :)

Jennifer said...

What a great way to celebrate reaching '100' followers, all of your digis are great and I am sure they will all be put to great use. I absolutely loved the sayings that you put up for everyone, definately useful. lol
Well done on reaching this great milestone Lisa, I am sure it won't be long before you reach another milestone. Jen xx

Lisa Minckler said...

I absolutely needed one of these sentiments so much! Thanks Lisa, it came at the perfect time and I loved reading this post. You have 111 followers now...WOO HOO!!! :D
The other one :)

stamp-color-and create said...

Lisa, my friend; I thought I was already a follower of your blog ... I'm not sure how I missed doing that. What a fun giveaway. You are an inspiration to me and many others. Congrats on your 100 followers and may you get thousands and thousands more so that they, too, can know what a wonderful, caring, generous, amazing person you are!

NanaConnie said...

Congratz on 100 followers, Lisa! I think that's fantastic. :-D Love all the word art and thanks so much for letting us have them. I saved every one of them. Just a note in case you haven't heard the rumors about Google dropping the "Followers" tool from their reader come July -- it might be time to sign up with Bloglove which will automatically transfer all the blogs you currently follow to a new reader and send you an e-mail each day with the list of those who have posted something that day. I've done it so I won't lose you. :-D

Pia S said...

What a great freebie and candy party you've put together for your followers!

Phi said...

Wow such a generous giveaway. Fantastic freebies. And thanks for the chance to win.

K8 said...

Hi Lisa.Congratulations on your 100 followers! I must say your blog is one of the most inspirational blog in the blogging world. Thank you so much for the chanse to win something new to work whit. And thank´s for the kind word on my blog!! Hugs //K8

Chriss America Real said...

This is a wonderful celebration of life! I am retired on disability and I know that my hard core followers that come to my blog almost every day, really cheer up my life.



Anonymous said...

Congrats! I have no idea what my problem is other than my trying to get ready to move. :( I came to look for your other blog candy that I had posted on my blog & see I have missed this but I still scored by all of the freebies here! Thanks bunches & I also feel SO blessed to have you as a Friend! Hugs~Patti

Donna said...

Thanks Lisa! I hadn't seen these before but love the sympathy verse, among other things. You are always so generous with freebies.