Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bit By the Bug Tuesday: Baby Benito MacBunny

Well, we knew it was only a matter of time with Bellina and Maximus, I just didn't realize it would be so quick.  Did Bellina look pregnant to you two weeks ago?  Boy those bunnies work fast!  Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to the newest MacBunny on the block, Baby Benito. 

Isn't he the most precious thing?

In honour of this occasion I have created a card to send to Bellina and Maximus to congratulate them on the new addition to their family.  Here is the front of it...

With a closer look at the newest MacBunny...

Here is the inside...

 Here are the card details, I hope I haven't forgotten anything... 

Digital Images:
  • Baby Benito MacBunny (front):  Available as a freebie by going to Naomi's blog HERE.  
Digital Sentiment:
  • Front and inside:  One I created. Even though 'welcome' looks a little lighter than the words at the bottom of the circle, they are in fact the same blue.  I'm guessing it had to do with the flash or lighting.
Paper Products:
  • Card base and shadow: pastel blue cardstock--from Dollarama.
  • Designer Papers:  Plaid and tie die (front & inside)-- Recollection's All Girl Paper Pad. 
  • Square stones--from Dollarama. 
Challenges I hope to enter include:
Some more challenges may be added to this list throughout the week or month. 

So, if you'd like to take advantage of this sweet little digi stamp, head over to Creative Bug on the Loose and follow Naomi's instructions on how to grab it.  While you are over there, don't forget to check out all the great digis she has available in the store for purchase and don't forget to leave her a little love too.

As a bonus she is also offering up Baby Benito's first soother picture too.
Now just before you go, we have something to celebrate.  Naomi has just reached the 300 follower mark.  Congrats Naomi for achieving this incredible milestone.

Here is a little badge for your sidebar, if you'd like it.  I've made it 200 px wide to fit most side bars.

I've caught the bug,
have you?

Until next time,

Note: I apologize if there are any formatting issues.  This is a scheduled post and we all know Blogger has a mind of it's own.  If it turns out that something looks wonky, i.e.--part of the sentence a different size or font than the rest, I'll fix it as soon as I'm able to.


Naomi Edwards said...

Hey!! First of all you know how much I love your card and appreciate your amazing support bestie!!!!!!!! I was floored when I seen the 300 followers badges, they are awesome Lisa, I especially thought it was so clever to put the bug in place of the zero..you are brilliant!!!! Super hugs for everything you do for others and those closest to you.

Crafting Vicky said...

Fabulous card!!! And awesome badge ;) Just love it!

NickScrapShack said...

This is so cute. Well done! I especially like the sentence inside the card. The digi i so cute too.

Sandra DeFalco said...

Thank you so much for playing the CDAC ANYTHING GOES CHALLENGE
Sandi ♥ Member of the CDAC DT

Ruthie Lopez said...

Beautiful card!!
Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. We look forward to seeing you again.
Ruthie DT

mixamatoasties said...

So pretty.

Thanks for sharing this week at LTC.
