Friday, March 08, 2013

Congratulations to Two More Blogs Reaching Huge Milestones

Hello everyone.  Two more designers within our community have just reached incredible milestones.  The Congratulatory Considerations post for March is just too far away, so I decided to congratulate both these ladies here and now for reaching the 500 follower mark.  Yes, you read that right, 500 followers!  This is one important achievement and deserves to be acknowledged with cake and celebration.  Unfortunately it will have to be digital cake since you are all so far away but at least the digital cake doesn't have any calories.

First up we have Desire Fourie from the blog Doing Life.  She hit the 500 follower mark on February 25th.   Desire is an incredible card designer that I have had the privilege to meet recently.  So, congratulations Desire on achieving this outstanding milestone.  

 And a gift to you Desire for your blog...

 I've made the badge 250 px wide to fit your sidebar if you want to post it.
Next up we congratulate Anna Stillwell from Cuddlebug Cuties who reached her 500 follower mark on March 7th.  Anna is an incredibly talented digital artist that I have been fortunate enough to meet and showcase some of her work.  So a big Woop Woop sent your way Anna, on accomplishing this impressive achievement.

 And a gift to you Anna for your blog...

 I've made the badge 250 px wide to fit your sidebar if you want to post it.
So there you go.  Two more wonderful people in our community celebrate auspicious occasions.  I wish both Desire and Anna continued success and growth.  If you have a moment, please go over and congratulate these ladies.  I'm sure they'd love a visit from you.

 Until next time,


Asmah Zainal Abidin said...

Hi Lisa,
I am so happy for Desire and Anna and they deserve the wonderful honor from you; awesome! Loving your blog so much Lisa!
Hugs and smiles,

Crafting Vicky said...

wooohooo for both of these so talented ladies!!! Thanks for celebrating with them!!!

ike said...

WoW - that is a really cool achievement. Fabulous Badges you made them Lisa :-)
Oooooh ..... Cake....!!! ... I'll be right over :-D xxx

Pia S said...

I think it's really nice of you to make such great, personalized badges for their blogs! And congrats to both Desire and Anna!

Naomi Edwards said...

Congrats Anna and Desire!!!!! Lisa you did a remarkable job on the badges!!!! Totally love them!!! Oh yes I see one in my future, hehe! hugs

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your post. It is so sweet and I love my button. Thank you :) Going to add it to my blog now
Great big hugs

Desire Fourie said...

Oh wow Lisa you are amazing and so sharing. Thank you for being our eye witness out there. Thank you also for the acknowledgement here, its a huge honour. And how priveleged are we to have a stunning custom made 500 Follower badge made for us. When I put up my 500 Follower Give-away, I will display my badge with pride and also put it in my sidebar. Congrats also to Cuddlebug.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Sue - aka Olive Reedfilter (fairy name) said...

Woohoo on your accomplishments ladies. Every step of the way is so worth it. And, thank you Lisa for recognizing all those steps along our way. Hugs, Sue