Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday Spotlight: March 24, 2013

If you are just visiting for the first time, it is that time of week when I say a particular thank you to one of my readers acknowledging them for something thoughtful, inspiring, or mindful that they have said in one of their comments. It is not just about flattery [although that is nice sometimes too ;-) ]; it is about walking away from the comment and wanting to touch on and explore an idea they have presented.  Sometimes it might just be one or two words that they have said that reaches out and elicits a response in me.  

As a way of saying thanks, I will present this person with an advanced copy of a freebie that I promise, no one else will be able to get their hand on for at least three months and possibly longer.

So without further ado, the comment I'm highlighting and reflecting on this week belongs to...


who said this:
I thought chick's first flight was my favorite but then I was torn with the bandaged egg, but then the chirp up caught my eye!! LOL..they're ALL so adorable. :) You ARE a digi buying enabler!!! hugs, Lisa on Promotional Post: Fresh Brewed Designs New Spring Digis

Isn't it amazing how we can fall in love over and over with the beautiful images that we come in contact with?  There is so much love in our hearts, even for digital images!  

Just like Lisa, I can look at one and fall in love then see the next one and think, "oh that is my favourite" and then find three more I love just as much.  You should see my digi wish lists from the various artists I showcase, promote or come across just in my day to day travels.  The lists are longer than my arms in a lot of cases!  So, when I do a promotional post and say I love a particular digi stamp and then can easily go on to love six more, I'm not just talking out of the side of my mouth.  I really do have room in my heart for each of them.

Entering a few numbers and clicking a button to make a purchase is just WAY TOO EASY and dangerous.  It is a good thing that I have significant self restraint or there wouldn't be any money for the mortgage or to put food on the table.  Even though I can't buy them all, I can still love them and promote them and of course help you fall in love with them too.  

Since I can't bring all these great digi images home, someone needs to give these characters a place to live.  If it can't be me, it might as well be you so I'm proud to be a digi-buying enabler.  There are worse things in life I could be!!!

Honourable mentions include:
  • I really like the flowers with buttons for this card! My favorite piece of this card is the sentiment. It's THE most beautiful condolence sentiment I've ever read! With your talent for sentiments and fonts, you could make such a beautiful card with sentiment only too - just a thought. Pia. on Card Design: Digi Darla's Challenges #53 -- Buttons
  • Thanks so much for this wonderful sentiment. I have used it on sympathy cards in the past and I hope it helps ease some of the pain of losing a loved one. I have buried both of my parents and even though the ache never really goes away, they were both good people and I know they are both safe in Heaven or well on their way. At my mom's funeral, the priest repeated a visit he'd had with my mother shortly before she passed. She'd suffered for many years with various ailments and was tired and ready to go to her reward. He told us that he'd never met someone who was so anxious to go to Heaven. Even though it was so hard to say goodbye, it gave me such comfort to know that she was safe at last and right where she wanted to be, no longer suffering. She had a deep faith and never questioned why but seemed to know that it would all work out in the end. With faith, all things work for good. My condolences to your family during this time. txexperiment on Motivational Monday: Death Leaves a Heartache
  • Oh wow Lisa you are amazing and so sharing. Thank you for being our eye witness out there. Thank you also for the acknowledgement here, its a huge honour. And how priveleged are we to have a stunning custom made 500 Follower badge made for us. When I put up my 500 Follower Give-away, I will display my badge with pride and also put it in my sidebar. Congrats also to Cuddlebug. Hugs Desíre {Doing Life} on Congratulations to Two More Blogs Reaching Huge Milestones
  • Thank you so much for your post. It is so sweet and I love my button. Thank you :) Going to add it to my blog now Great big hugs anna on Congratulations to Two More Blogs Reaching Huge Milestones
  • OMGosh this card is so cute! I love the bright colors you used and I love that cute digi of bunny and baby! You are right the love that is coming from them is overwhelming! Your sentiments are just perfect with this digi!! Thanks for joining us at My Paper Crafting DDF ;-) Brenda on Bit By the Bug Tuesday: Cuddle Buns Gets Squished
  • Inspiration of a photograph? It is amazing what they can do to our human emotion. They can evoke the full range of our being. I have looked at your photo and even though I am not going to use it, I did study it for a minute. For me, I think what was striking was the color. Green, which is one of my favorites .... this one brings feeling of calm and inner peace. It's a feast for my vision, yet it makes me shiver with cold. It's stillness, in which you hear your own breathing and it's the wonderment of what God can create. I feel thankfulness. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Sue on Picture Inspiration: A Sea of Green
  • Lisa... you did a superb job describing everything that Pixel Scrapper has to offer to the public. I, myself just "discovered" the site a couple of months ago and love getting my free downloads. But what I also love are the forums which have been so helpful... especially to a scrapbooking "newbie" like me! Everyone is so friendly and gives excellent advice and tips. Anyway, great post! I'm sure Marisa of Pixel Scrapper is beaming with pride! ~Tracey on Saturday Showcase: March 16, 2013
  • Keep on bringing joy to our lives ;) It's always so nice to see that you have blogged!!! ;) Hugs Vicky on Sunday Spotlight: March 17, 2013
  • Lisa I am loving your spotlights and the wonderful and interesting way you always present these talented and special bloggers. I am also so honoured to be on your inspirational list. {I would love you to take part in my 500 Follower Give-away. Thank you so much if you have already entered.} Hugs Desíre {Doing Life} on Sunday Spotlight: March 17, 2013
  • I so agree with this!! It's so true and your creation this week is beautiful. Thanks for the freebie and thank you so much for joining us at Digitally Sweet! Karen on Colours of the Rainbow
  • you are just tooooo much!!! ROFL I just don't know how you come up with this stuff but soooo much fun ;))) You had me giggling! Vicky on Winner Announcement & New Releases: Scribbles Designs 
  •  Lisa, What a pretty card and the verse is so special. It made me think of my parents who are no longer with us but you made it feel like they are right beside me. Thank you for joing us at the CDAC "Anything Goes Challenge" Pattie CDAC DT Member on Card Design: Scribbles Designs Challenge #3--Shades of Green or Easter
  • Oh, Lisa, I laughed out loud. Isn't it funny how we sometimes struggle so much with one particular project? No worries - you hit the ball out of the park - again. Deb on Card Design: Lady Anne's Progressive Christmas Challenge #2-First Card
  • Hi Lisa, You made me laugh when I read what you wrote with the digis. Thank you. I needed the smiles I still have. Edwina Brown on Winner Announcement & New Releases: Scribbles Designs 
Thanks everyone for your continued support.  Please know just how much all your comments mean to me.  There were so many more I could have added but I had to stop somewhere I guess or this post would have been 18 miles long!
Since next Sunday is Easter, I won't be putting out a Sunday Spotlight, need to spend some extra time with the hubs!  For those of my readers who celebrate Easter, or even just get a couple extra days off from work, may you find time during this coming long weekend to spend with those people in your lives that mean the most to you.  

Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Until next time, 


Desire Fourie said...

Lisa these highlights are a true reflection of how amazing and special you are. Also wishing you a blessed Easter.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Naomi Edwards said...

LOL, I laughed at Lisa's comment.. digital buying enabler, hehe!!! Great spotlight and such amazing comments!! You give so much love and you certainly get it back as you deserve my friend. hugs

Crafting Vicky said...

I truly hope that you will take next weekend to rest!!! Take time with your hubby ;) And some for yourself as well! Hugs Vicky

PS you could be a little less good at being promotional and that would be really awesome for MY bank account lol