If you are new to my blog and would like to know why I started Motivational Mondays, please go HERE.
The first page of a new chapter has begun. On a sunny Saturday afternoon in May, I finally met my first cousin Karen in person. Now by rights, we should have travelled down parallel paths, throughout our lives. She should have been standing close to me in my wedding party as I got married, I should have been standing near her when she gave birth to each of her children. There have been so many memories that we each have been robbed of. It is unfortunate, but such is life sometimes. As the only two girls within our portion of the Anderson clan, I know with all my heart that had we had the opportunity to grow up together we would have been more like sisters than cousins.
The important thing is that we are able to be there for each other during the later half of our lifes. What has passed, has passed and there is nothing that can change that. How we move forward though, is the beginning of a brand new story. A story that began this weekend.
While Karen wasn't up for long, we took the time that we did have to learn a little more about each other. Sunday afternoon was spent tracing much of my pictorial history as we went through photo album after photo album. She was able to see where I grew up, the friends that I hung out with and a few pictures that included her own father and brother. There were aunts, uncles and other relatives to learn about and memories of family now passed to take in. Karen bears a very strong resemblence to our paternal grandmother and both of us, her brother and our fathers all share the same shape and colour of eyes. She was finally able to see where she visually fit within her biological family and know that she truly belongs with us.
So a new chapter has started. What will the future bring? Well, none of us anywhere can truly answer that question can we. We can only hope that we will continue to develop our bond and strengthen our friendship and know that without a doubt that nothing will ever change the fact that we are and have always been family.
One of your motivational quote for this week can be found at the top of the page and the other just above. I have also broken the first one down into two parts for those of you who want to divide it between the front and inside of a card. I've offered up the second in greyscale in case you don't like my colour choice in the first. While the fonts in each part look two different sizes, they aren't. Once you bring them up in the lightbox, and download them they should be the same size. They are also much larger than appear but can easily be reduced in size without distorting the image.
Also, before you go, just a reminder that the Path of Positivity Challenge #2 is currently underway and I'd love for you to add your postitive projects and/or posts to the pathway. The Path has a brand new home so please check it out if you haven't already. You can find it HERE. It is a brand new concept and all constructive feedback is appreciated.
As always image details, download instructions and a summary of my terms of use can be found below.
Until next time,

Fonts Used:
the font names to take you to a download location. All fonts are commercial use. If you are not sure how to copy the image, check out the download instructions page. If you haven't already, please become familiar with my terms of use found in the copyright tab at the top of this page. Quick summary of Terms of Use:
- Do not claim the image as your own.
- Credit 'Decosse's Dynamite Doodles' somewhere on your creation. You may sell handmade creations using one of these sentiments. Just be sure to become familiar with my full terms of use.
- Do not share my images with family, friends, etc. Additionally, do not post any images to file sharing services like Pinterest®, 4-Shared®, etc. Instead, please direct people to my blog so they can grab the image for themselves.
- If I have signed an image, do not delete my signature.
- Leave a comment on my blog. It is currently the only way for me to know if any of my freebies are being nabbed. Additionally, it will help to inspire me to continue to create and offer future freebies.
This must have been so very emotional!!! What a great way to spend the time together! And you are right you cannot change the past but you can enjoy the future together! That's the important part.
How cool is that ?!! - I am glad you had a great time and here's hoping it's just the start of a fabulous relationship :-)
IKE xx
Oh wow Lisa, this is an amazing story you have related here. Life is so amazing and takes strange turns with us, but in the end its all worth living, and every day holds a hint of excitement. Thank you so much for these awesome sentiment, also wonderful for scrapbooking pages.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
What a wonderful, heartwarming story that you shared Lisa. I hope that things move forward in the best possible way for you both. Forget the past as it cannot be changed and look forward to the future. Hugs, Jen xx
Krafty Keepsakes
Lisa what an amazing journey your beginning with your cousin. Friends are family you choose but family is family for life! Enjoy your time together now that you've found each other. Huge hugs,
CDAC DT Member
A Look Through My Eyes
Wonderful post Lisa - so glad that you had a fabulous reunion with your cousin.
Lisa, These sentiments are wonderful. I love the Family one. I think I will make a card for my SISTER IN LAW. Thank you so much. Edwina Brown
Thanks so much Lisa! Beautiful sentiments and sounds like you had a great time with your cousin!
I've took a bit of a break away from the computer as I have been very tired this last week so I have lot of catching up to do.
I wanted to just say how wonderful it is that you and Karen have been able to make this connection, certainly better later than never!
Families and relationships are not always easy and many of us have chequered pasts but how you go one in the future is so important. You are both forging ahead with a very strong relationship and I am sure you will be a very big part of each other's lives for the rest of your days.
(((Big Hugs))) and lots of love
Mandy xxx
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